Chapter 2

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The younger boy motioned his hand to follow him, so you jumped on the moped after he did. 'Tadashi' sped the moped up and drove back down the alleyway. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Tadashi interrogated the younger boy.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" he replied with a smile, despite the current situation.

"Good... now, what were you thinking, you knucklehead!" Tadashi turned his head around and hit the younger boy repeatedly with his arm. "You could have gotten seriously hurt! You graduate from high school at thirteen and this is what you're doing?"

You came across a dead end and Tadashi turned the moped around almost instantly. He revved the engine and shouted, "Hold on!" The moped sped up and you noticed a wooden slope up ahead. You braced yourself for whatever Tadashi's plan was. He drove the moped up the slope and it went so high that you could see your reflection in the window buildings that formed the alleyway. The moped landed on the ground with a thud and continued speeding down the road.

Your heart pounded against your chest. Your breathing had been unsteady for quite a while now and your heart rate kept rising by the second. You had to keep gripping onto the younger boy's shoulders because of how sweaty your palms were becoming. "Bot-fighting is illegal, you know that," Tadashi continued his lecture.

"Bot-fighting isn't illegal," the younger boy argued. "Betting on bot-fighting, now that's- now that's illegal, but so lucrative! I am on a roll, and there is no stopping me!"

In a turn of events, three police cars blocked the road up ahead and Tadashi had no choice but to stop the moped in front of them. "You were saying?" you spoke up, raising an eyebrow. Handcuffs were placed on your wrists and you were shoved into a cell with Tadashi and the man's gang. You were squished up against the cell beside Tadashi. You glanced up at him and felt a shiver run up and down your spine. If looks could kill, the younger boy would've been dead ten times over.

Tadashi was glaring at him with his eyes squinted. It was clear that he had one objective: to murder him when they got home. That's if they ever both got home. Before long, a policeman let you, Tadashi and the younger boy out. The man muttered a few words to you and the two boys about getting in trouble again, then pushed you all out the door. The coolness outside hit you like a ton of bricks and suddenly you were shivering furiously. On the path a few metres ahead of you, there was a short, brown-haired woman who was pacing back and forth, her eyes filled with worry.

As soon as she saw the two boys, she ran up to them and pulled them into a warm embrace. You stood there awkwardly, rubbing your arm. It was still freezing cold outside and your hoodie wasn't helping to keep it out. "Are you boys okay?" the lady asked.

"We're fine, Aunt Cass," they chorused.

"Good," she let out a sigh of relief and frustration. "Now, what were you two knuckleheads thinking!" She shoved them into the car then turned to you, her eyes becoming gentle. "Is anyone coming to pick you up, dear?"

"Uh, no," you said. "My parents are out on a trip at the moment. I can walk home, though. My house isn't far from here."

"No, I'll drop you off," she insisted. "It's too dangerous out here at this time."

You found yourself squished in between the younger boy and the car door. At least you knew that you could open the car door at any moment and just throw yourself out. The woman scolded the two boys endlessly until you reached the front of your house. The lady stopped her lecture and said goodbye to you, while the two boys waved awkwardly. By the time you walked in the door, it was almost two o'clock in the morning. You didn't bother getting dressed into your pyjamas; you were too tired to even function properly.

Within minutes, you were passed out on your bed with your arms and legs spread out like a starfish.


Your head throbbed the next morning. Maybe it was because you were tired out of your mind, or maybe because of the stress of last night. You couldn't help but think of your parents finding out about what happened. You wouldn't hear the end of it for weeks. You dragged your feet out of bed and set up the register. You went into the greenhouse and watered the flowers before turning the sign at the door to face 'OPEN'.

You sat in your usual spot by the register and played some music through your speaker. You rested your chin on your hand and tapped your fingers against the counter. The music was probably the only thing keeping you sane. You closed your eyes and listened to the rhythm of the song, the tapping of your fingers slowly turning into tapping to the beat. You were about to drift off when the bells above the door rang.

You jolted upwards and you quickly turned the music off. "Sorry about that," you chuckled slightly as you bent down to place the speaker away. "How can I help you?"

You sat back up and your eyes widened with shock when you saw who was standing before you.

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