Chapter 11

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You visited Tadashi once again.

You sat yourself down beside the bed and glanced over at Tadashi. Still asleep. After sitting there for a few moments, you let out a small sigh and left - you hadn't stayed for long, but even the shortest time with Tadashi meant so much to you.

You hadn't seen Hiro in a while. Or Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Go Go and Fred either. You were starting to worry that they were avoiding you. You went over to visit Cass, but she didn't know where they were either. You decided to go check the shed to see if Hiro was there. You pulled open the door of the shed and saw the gang huddling around Hiro's computer. "Uh, guys?" you called.

"Ah, [Y/N]!" Honey Lemon exclaimed. She looked nervous. "Ugh, did you guys tell them?" Hiro groaned.

"Tell me what?" you asked, anxiety creeping into your chest.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," Hiro waved his hand and turned back to his computer.

"I think we should tell them," Go Go said. "[Y/N] cares about Tadashi as much as we do." You took a step into the garage. What were they keeping from you? And why? Didn't they trust you? "What are you guys talking about?" you interrogated. "Is there something I need to know?"

"[Y/N]," Honey Lemon started, "Hiro discovered something in an old, abandoned shack. He found out that someone had stolen his microbots and when he went searching further, he found out that a man in a mask was the one who stole them and is using them for evil. There was a whole car chase, but I'll explain that later. Now, we're designing hero suits to take that guy down."

"What...?" you exhaled. The others nodded, confirming Honey Lemon's words. "I don't understand. Why didn't I find out about this sooner?"

"Because I knew you wouldn't approve," Hiro stood up and glared at you. "You'd try to stop us from taking down someone who is trying to hurt people. You'd try to stop us from getting justice for Tadashi, because you don't care about him, do you?"

"Hiro, what the hell!" you exclaimed angrily. "Of course I care about Tadashi, what are you talking about! You storm out of that hospital room; angry with me for God knows why, hide away from me for days, then keep a secret from me but share it with everyone else? You could've at least talked to me!" Your voice got shakier and louder as you continued, tears filling your eyes. "Why won't you even try to understand that I'm hurting as well, Hiro? Do you think I'm glad that Tadashi is in the hospital? Quit being so selfish for once and realise that you're not the only one that's in pain here."

You turned around with clenched fists and stormed out the shed. "[Y/N]!" Hiro called. You continued walking. Your vision became blurry as the tears continued to fill your eyes, but slowly they began to stream down your face. You pulled your hood over your face to avoid anyone from seeing you. You threw open your bedroom door as soon as you arrived and tossed yourself onto your bed, sinking your face into your pillow.

You laid there in anger. Your blood boiled the more you thought about the fact that Hiro and the others kept such a big secret from you. It frustrated you more that Hiro was so quick to jump to conclusions. Sure, you didn't think that actively trying to take down a villain was the greatest idea, but maybe if he just communicated with you then your opinion would alter.

You slowly began to cool down, but the annoyance never subsided. You rolled over on your side and glanced at the photo frame of you and Tadashi that sat on your bedside table. Your arms were wrapped around each other's shoulders and he was holding the peace sign above your head. Hiro had taken that photo, you remember. You let out a small sigh and rolled onto your back to stare at the ceiling. You knew you couldn't stay mad at Hiro forever.

For now, you'd keep your distance like you did last time. 

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