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At the dorm of The Royal University of Korea

"Jimin-ah.",Yoongi sighed for the tenth time in the last few minutes, nudging the prince beside him slightly.

"Don't be miffed with me, my prince. At least take a look at me.",he says and Jimin, yet again, ignores him as if the older is not even sitting in front of him.

"I did not mean to cause a scene but he was being a bastard. How could I let him do that to you?", Yoongi tries again and Jimin just nods and says nothing, doesn't even look at him while he wraps the white bandage around his fiance's knuckles with an angry frown on his face.

"My work here is done. I will be taking my leave now, Prince Yoongi.", Jimin says and sets the first-aid kit aside. He was about to get up but is stopped by a gentle hold on his wrist.

He looks back at Yoongi's face and tries to shake his wrist off his hold but Yoongi holds it more firmly but gently keeping in mind not to hurt the younger Prince.

"Jimin-ah.", he says with authority in his voice and Jimin huffs a little but eventually takes a seat when Yoongi  pins him down with a stern stare.

Yoongi's lips twitch a little, he did not smile easily but Park Jimin was a very different story.

He was about to speak but suddenly the door is burst open - without knocking and there is only one person in the world who has the audacity to challenge Prince Yoongi's temper by entering without knocking or his permission in his chambers.

"Hyung... I heard you got into a fight. What happened? Are you alright?", Prince Taehyung, his younger brother, asked as soon as he entered the room, ignoring the gaurds who were trying to inform that the Prince wasn't alone inside so he should knock.

Yoongi sighs irritatedly and motions the gaurds that it was fine, the gaurds bow and leave and Yoongi turns his gaze towards Taehyung who stands their unfazed by his glare and smiles.

"Just a little punch to some imbecile's face and I am not the one injured.", he says smugly and Jimin scoffs at him.

Taehyung laughs at that and high-fives his brother who rolls his eyes at him but does it anyways and Jimin glares at them both.

Taehyung looks at Jimin and raises his eyebrows, "Ooooh, what happened, frowning bird?"

Jimin stands up instantly, as if waiting for his best friend to ask that, and points a finger at Yoongi, "Your brother here, punched a poor guy, dear Lord, just because he gave me a flower and you know what did he do? He announced in front of all that I was his fiancee and that we were getting engaged.", he complains flailing his hands all around.

Taehyung looks at Yoongi in shock.  "Well done, hyung!", he praises and Jimin's mouth falls open.

"Both of you brothers have lost all the senses. God knows what will you both do!?.", Jimin groans and covers his face with his small chubby hands.

The brothers couldn't help but laugh at that. The elder prince of Busan was really adorable.

"Hyung,but Jimin is right. We can not just announce these auspicious things like that.", he remarks and Jimin agrees nodding furiously, glaring pointedly at the older.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "It is not like I give a fuck.", he says unbothered.

Jimin gasps along with Taehyung. Cursing was forbidden in the university, more like prohibited for Royals to curse at all.

But does Yoongi give a fuck? No.

"But that was so ridiculously romantic of you so Appa and His highness might forgive you.", the youngest says right after and Yoongi chuckles looking at Jimin's shocked and betrayed face at his best friend as the latter supports his brother about it rather than scolding him.

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