Chapter 9: Guilty.

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Valarie Miller was in her car. She was driving to the press conference. She knew what she wanted to say. She knew what she should say. She knew what she shouldn't say. Valarie Miller drove with her headlights on through the traffic. She had to. For her safety and it's the rule. She has broken big rules though. No one else knows about this other than one person.

She was a person interested in making the guilty pay. This was no different. She likes an easy confession other than a complete court trial.

Valarie Miller reached the place where she had to be. She reached there fifteen minutes before the original time. The press was also fifteen minutes early. As soon as she got out of the car, she was swarmed by a group of people. Cameras and microphones to her phase. Questions being shouted out randomly that it was impossible to identify were it was asked from. Not only news channels. Magazines, radio people, everything. People mourn and care about the death of a famous celebrity than a human who contributed for the safety and care for the people around them. As soon as a person die, they post stories on Instagram and WhatsApp and tweet on twitter mourning for the loss of a great personality. Even if they are hearing about the person for the first time. Valarie Miller hated those people. She liked doing what she liked genuinely. If she knew them, she wouldn't post. She wasn't that type of human being. She was the type who did to protect the ones she loves, even if it meant breaking them.

"Is there going to be an arrest?" a question came out of the blue.

She stopped as she walked to the entrance, she then said, "I'm sorry, I thought the press will start after minutes. I don't give anyone special treatment. You ask your questions once it starts." Word by word her voice raised.

They all made an angry and disgusted face.

She knew when she said this, she would be in the paper or somewhere or on some shitty website telling how rude the detective was when the press was asking the questions. That's how it always was. You would say one thing to the press, the next day something else comes out of the reporters' mouth. She made her way inside and went towards the captain and Detective Boyle.

"People care about celebrities more than they about people who actually do good for the nation." Boyle said.

"You got shouted questions in the face too I guess." Valarie asked.

"Yup, every single one of them." Boyle replied.

"What are you saying tonight?" The captain asked.

"Maybe I'll show the guys photo." Detective Miller said.

"You sure?" The captain asked.

"It will be good. The people want it. Tomorrow everyone will post it on their social media accounts." Valarie replied.

The captain half bobbed his head walked away from Boyle and Valarie. They both talked about the case for a while and as it was almost time, they went to their respected seats for the press conference. The captain was sitting in the middle with Detective Boyle to his right and Detective Miller to his right. The captain talks very less to the press. He hated the press. He hated it more because a news channel called him a "colored and ugly captain". This was just after he was appointed the new captain of the precinct.

The press started and the room just stormed with questions. They couldn't hear them properly, so the captain warned them to maintain a proper manner while asking the questions. The press hated this as well. She knew this would come tomorrow in the paper as "rude captain of police".

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