Chapter 13: A Storm Is Brewing

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This... thing...

This black-looking, horribly fused, abominable, mutant Kyurem...

Well, how the hell do I describe this absolute monster?

I'm not sure I can, to be honest. Other than to say that it appears terrifying, like something out of some horrible nightmare. It looks like something hideous— truly as though Arceus himself had taken the two dragons and smashed them together into one being. Surely, surely this couldn't be real...

But the sensation of fingers on my arms, the evil cackle that reverberates throughout the cavern, the intimidating huffs of breaths released by that Pokémon...

Oh, no. This is far from a dream I can shake myself awake from.

This Kyurem (which I will call Black Kyurem for the sake of time) closes its eyes for a moment, making me hold my breath. We all stand there for what feels like an eternity, waiting to see what it would do. Then its eyes fiercely flash open again, its pupils glowing. I feel violent vibrations begin as Black Kyurem stomps into the ground, my fingers holding onto the arms of Hilda and N for dear life. The charged blue and white lightning is back: it is like an aura or some other form of energy that not only radiates from the Pokémon itself, but swirls around it, too. The two pins protruding from each of its shoulders ejects backwards and plugs themselves into its tail holes, glowing an electric blue.

Black Kyurem roars louder than ever before, so much so that my eardrums are rattling. I want to cover my ears, but not just because of the deafening volume. The underlying tone of the roar just sounds so... evil. Maniacal. Tortured. I can just barely see its eyes, and they appear just as contorted. Vibrations continue to shake the floor, and it takes everything I have to keep myself standing. Part of me wonders what would fail first: my sight from this luminous energy just overpowering my senses, or my hearing from this awful, awful caterwaul.

N and Hilda were quick to support me when I nearly fell, but they themselves now appear fragile and scared. Hilda's face especially— she looks very sickly and frail, and I can just barely see her legs shaking in fear. Honestly, I'm sure I probably look the same right now. N, on the other hand, just displays the very image of appellation. His face, his eyes, his body... Everything just screams alarm. Alarm and worry. Perhaps that is what prompts his stuttering.

"I n-never would have b-believed... that Pokémon could fuse together... T-that there was a formula like this..."

"N," Hilda and I choke out, unable to say anything more.

Ghetsis laughs sharply in response at our shock. "Ha! You fool... Last time, I was going to use you to capture people's hearts and minds to rule them! And it almost worked, dammit! Who would have thought that you making 'friends' with Hilda would have ruined everything!" In contrast to his calm demeanor from earlier, the words are now spitting from his mouth. But my gaze couldn't stay fixed on his infuriated form: my eyes were still trying to comprehend this pseudo-dragon monster that stands by this psychopath's side.

This giant, impossible, terrifying abomination that looks ready to complete what his master has failed to do: namely, murder me.

"Do you realize how painful that was, to have a plan I spent decades concocting to fall into ruin? And all because of a reason as stupid as that!  Absolutely unforgivable! I refuse to accept that! So this time, I'm simply going to use overwhelming power and brute force to rule with an iron fist! Do you understand? If you had simply become king like I had wanted you to, Unova would have remained beautiful! It would have been a land that served ME! But now you have forced my hand. If it is destined to become the frozen landscape that I am about to revert it to, then so be it!"

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