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I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I'm not sure when I'd blacked out or if I'd fallen asleep, but I must have needed it because I'd felt better than I had in Madripoor. I was comfortable, wherever I am...there was a large window next to the bed I was in, and I saw clear skies and hills as far as the eye could see.

I should figure out where I am. I wanted to... But I'm exhausted. Even my bones felt hollow and I'd sunken into a soft spot on this bed...I tried to sit up at least, but I couldn't. What the hell happened?

"Lady Y/N," a familiar voice assures me. "You should rest. It's all right. You're safe here."

"...Thor?" I murmured. "Where are we?"

"New Asgard," he says proudly.

"Have you been here the whole time?" I questioned him.

He looks a lot different than I remembered. He'd gotten back into shape, well...even better shape, if that was possible, and he's cut his hair willingly by the look of it. He was also in what he called "Midgardian wear"... it suits him.

"I had reasons of my own to go back into space," he explained. "But I will explain once you're better. I've returned, and if you're not too angry with me, I'll not leave your side. Not again."

I don't think I had the strength to argue, even if I wanted to, and the promise of an explanation spiked my curiosity. I felt myself drift off again, as his lips brushed my forehead.


I left Lady Y/N to rest, and I decided to check on things in New Asgard. I've stepped down as their king, but that didn't mean that I stopped looking out for our flourishing kingdom...our home.

As soon as I closed the door, Valkyrie stands up to meet me.

"How is she doing?" She asks me without preamble.

"The Aether seems to be fighting for control," I mused. "It's affecting the power she's held before the experiments."

"Can't we remove it, the way you have with Jane?" She asks next.

"It's a bit more complicated this time," I murmured. "Whatever HYDRA has done, the Aether has become a part of her. Trying to remove it could kill her."

Valkyrie began to pace the room, deep in thought. She's become a wise and fair queen in her own right. Between the two of us, I knew we'd find a solution. Something crossed her mind and she paused with a grave expression on her face.

"I had a thought," she mused, "but you won't like it."

"What is it?" I asked, apprehensive about the way she clenched her jaw.

"What if we suppressed her memories about the Aether altogether?" She suggested. "It's a part of her, but she's been able to control it until recently. If we push it down, it might help."

She was right, about many things...given everything Lady Y/N has gone through, the idea of tampering with her mind...even for her benefit...was a touchy subject for a lot of us. On the other hand, something has gone very wrong with her powers, and I was at a loss.

"I'm not thrilled at the prospect, " I admit. "But I don't know what else to do. She's not well. I only have one condition."

"What is it?" Valkyrie asks, having stopped pacing.

"We talk to her about it," I insist. "We're not going to force her to do this."

"Of course not," she replied vehemently. "That would be a shitty thing to do."

"I think I know just the man for the job," I announced, pulling a card out of my pocket.


We escape our would-be bounty hunters, and we end up at a huge mansion. I didn't expect to see something like it in Madripoor.

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