The great escape, The great getaway

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After a few days of the realisation coming to joe and nicholas that they're meant for each other, the two wanted to do some things. They figured everything happening in chicago city was too much for them, including lana. She had caused so much for them and Joe had only been living there for 3 months. So Nicholas and Joe wanted to get away. So nicholas asked: "Joe, do you want to run-away with me?" "Yes" Joe replied to him. And so the great escape began.

Joe and Nicholas packed all their things in two suitcases including their hygiene, clothes, shoes and other valuables. Once they got everything packed, they put it in the car and drove to their newspaper company. They told the manager, they won't be able to work straight in the office, but instead they will create a station for their newspaper making in their new home. Then they will mail that newspaper to him so he can release it. The manager agreed.

Once that had been done, Nicholas and Joe got in the car and started driving. They wanted to drive away to one of the beautiful cottages in the greenest grassland and make it timeless.

And so they did. They succeeded. They made their getaway to the grasslands and were finally happy and able to live greatly without a single whisper around.

They moved in that cottage they wanted to live in and it felt like a dream. They would photograph everything. The lakes, the deer, all the other animals and themselves. Even the plants and strawberries they decided to grow in the garden.

They built a station for their newspaper work and it went pretty well. They had their printer, loads of paper and the author. Joe.

"So much of this happiness we could've had before"
Nicholas told joe.

"So much of this happiness we could've had before"Nicholas told joe

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