the shadow returns

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10 years after naruto left the village minato was walking around the village greeting the villagers with a smile on his face before he's approached by hiruzen sarutobi the third hokage "minato I have excellent news" "what is it hiruzen" hiruzen grins "it looks like your son is returning to the village" minato's smile widens as he cheers in silence. Minato teleports to the house to see kushina making lunch and she sees him "oh hi honey. You look excited what's got you so happy" "naruto. HE'S COMING BACK" minato screams in happiness making kushina drops a Ladle and jumps up in pure happiness "OUR SON IS COMING BACK HELL YEAH" kushina screams at the top of her lungs

At the academy

Iruka Umino is in the middle of a lesson when he sees a boy asleep "KAI WAKE UP" kai shoots awake "I'M AWAKE" everyone laughs. Mira pats her brother on the back after the embarrassing event. Iruka hears a rustling and look around which shikamaru nara notices even in his sleepy state "sir you ok" "I'm ok shikamaru just I thought I heard some-" iruka gets tackled and a kunai is put to his throat by a man in a completely white mask with openings for the eyes and everyone springs to action but the man begins to laugh his ass off and puts the kuani away and takes off his mask

 Iruka hears a rustling and look around which shikamaru nara notices even in his sleepy state "sir you ok" "I'm ok shikamaru just I thought I heard some-" iruka gets tackled and a kunai is put to his throat by a man in a completely white mask with...

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"Naruto you asshole- HOLY SHIT YOU'RE BACK" iruka shoots up tackling naruto into a hug and naruto pats iruka on the back "yeah I'm back. Now" naruto turns to to the class who are back in their seats "my name is naruto namikaze the jinchuriki of the nine tailed fox and the eldest son of the 4th hokage" mira and Kai stand up "big brother" both run to naruto and hug him with tears in their eyes "you're finally back" mira speaks with tears in her eyes as Kai stays quiet. Naruto pats his siblings on the back "my you two have grown I still remember when you both fit in a crib" naruto the separates from his siblings and they notice that he's pretty tall and extremely jacked

"God damn big brother were you lifting mountains" Kai is in shock that naruto is extremely jacked and the fact he could see it through the shirt he's wearing. Naruto chuckles and flexes causing most of the girls to get either small or life threatening nosebleeds "dammit naruto" "sorry iruka. Well imma visit the others" "got it I'll get my students to the nurse" kai,mira and the other guys help the girls as naruto leaves. Naruto is walking around and he sees a familiar bowl cut "HEY GAI" gai turns around and sees naruto immediately recognizing him so he runs at him crushing him in a hug "NARUTO YOU'RE BACK" "y-yeah l-let me go I'm d-dying" gai lets go of naruto and apologizes "naruto I can't believe you're back" naruto smiles and pats gai on the shoulder "I'm glad to be back" naruto walks with gai when a boy screaming gai's name is running towards them

 Naruto is walking around and he sees a familiar bowl cut "HEY GAI" gai turns around and sees naruto immediately recognizing him so he runs at him crushing him in a hug "NARUTO YOU'RE BACK" "y-yeah l-let me go I'm d-dying" gai lets go of naruto an...

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"LEE" gai shouts suprising naruto and naruto sees the two get in a father-son hug 'the hell just happened' naruto is still in a little shock and kurama is laughing at how dumb they look. "Hey gai who is this kid" gai breaks the hug from Lee "this is rock lee my student. Lee this is naruto namikaze" lee's eyes seem to grow in shock "y-you're the legendary naruto the jinchuriki of the nine tails" "indeed I am" naruto smiles and lee's expression turns to pure excitement "gai-sensei has told the team about you. You sound very strong" naruto chuckles "aw shucks gai you're gonna make me blush. But yeah I'm pretty strong thanks to kurama" "who" both lee and gai look confused "oh yeah kurama is the name of the nine tails" kurama forms a small head on naruto's shoulder "yo" both lee and gai jump at the sight of kurama "hehe you humans are easy to scare" kurama's head dissipates and the two bowl cut men calm down "is he friendly" "he's a low-life piece of shit scumbag you'll love him" kurama pops up again "hell yeah I am" lee and gai are now confused about the relationship kurama and naruto have "anyways I'm gonna try to find everyone else" naruto waves goodbye to gai and lee who say goodbye. Naruto stops by the hokage office where he's greeted by minato,kushina,Jiraiya and tsunade "hey y'all. I'm home" naruto drops his things and embraces the four of them crying tears of happiness "welcome back son" minato says still crying

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