~ Chapter 11 ~

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Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young !

The music played at full volume in PopPalace, everyone was having fun, their pink eyes sparkling under the crazy lights of the party. Next to the queen, almost drunk dead, Branch laughed and played with her hair filled with stains of colors and glitters. What could be better than a good party to relax when a certain fruitcake was on the run? Poppy thought that celebrating and not thinking about her problems was the best solution in her current situation.

- I love you my baby cho chie boooo.... Branch laughed, hugging her as if she had become a teddy bear, he had just had at least three drinks.

Feeling the king give her so much affection had almost made her forget her problems; as much the escape of this little troll or this wound on her torso that Branch was covering with awkward kisses... she remembered the day when the blue troll - formerly gray - had saved her from this bergen... that traumatic day was rather turn on the day of their first meet, and she would never forget it.

- I love you too, Branchie Bear, she murmured happily, kissing his lips,

But just as everything seemed perfect, the door opened, and the pop zombies entered the party room. They advanced between the guests, tracing a path to the Queen and her husband who continued to laugh stupidly at her side. Once she noticing them, Poppy frowned, anger had returned;

- Where is he ?? She shouted at Tressy and Wani-Pop, rising from her throne to shake them awake, WHERE IS HE ??

- I'm HeRe! Branch laughed behind her, unknown of her anger.

- Queen Poppy... Mariam began

- ... They are unconscious, the fruitcake made them rush into a big rock... Tammy explained

- Hic ! AND I wILL RUsH MY- Hic !- INTO POPPY !! Branch suddendly screamed out, hugging the angry queen by behind, almost falling off the throne.

But even her beloved king could no longer calm her, she screamed out;

- THE PARTY IS OVER!! It's time for action... she whispered, frowning while Branch kissed her -cute- angry face, I will not let this kid take our throne bae !

 she whispered, frowning while Branch kissed her -cute- angry face, I will not let this kid take our throne bae !

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* * *

The sun was still shining as the small group of Trolls advanced into the desert.

Dashy just didn't have the strength to run and carry them anymore at the moment. The sun's burning rays seemed more and more powerful, making them incredibly hot. Determined not to give up, Mixy was in front of the troop, panting and exhausted;

- You're sure we will be there soon, Tiny? The remix troll asked the hip-hop troll who was walking behind him.

The only answer he had was a laugh mixing with craziness and fatigue; Tiny was practically dragging himself into the sparkly sand, it looked like he was back in his pop-jazz hallucination;

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