Third person Pov:

Loki avoided Y/n as best he could, however it was difficult. This was proven one night where Y/n got the Avengers to trap them in the garden together. She even got Frigga to prevent him from teleporting away. So here they were. In the garden. With Y/n slightly regretting her plan.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" She asks, afraid she did something wrong.

"I haven't" Loki replies, turning away.

"Bullshit." This causes Loki to pause. How, in only a few weeks of knowing him, did she know Loki better than anyone, excluding himself. There was one minor detail he kept hidden.

"Fine. I have. But it was of nothing you did." He says, turning to face her.

"Then why?" She questions, feeling tears prick at her eyes, knowing that if anything were to continue between them, she would have to tell him her deepest secret. Or rather, show.

"Because I am a MONSTER! Not to mention it's clear you like my brother more." He shouts, tears falling from his own eyes.

"What do you mean? Thor and I are simply friends, never have nor ever will be anything more. And New York wasn't your fault. You were being manipulated." She says.

"I am not Asgardian." He says, looking at the floor, as his skin turns blue, eyes turning red, and horns sprouting from his head. 

Y/n gasps, but not from fear, no. Her gasp is because she finds him beautiful. Her hand reaches up to touch his face, before pausing.

"May I?" She asks.

This confuses Loki, however he nods. As her hand meets his face, she can feel the icy coldness radiating off his skin. She runs her fingers over the runes, gently, as she doesn't know if this hurts him.

"You're not afraid?" He asks, looking into her eyes.

"No. Why, should I be?" Y/n says, giggling slightly.

"Why aren't you?" He asks, not threating, but more out of curiosity.

"Because I have experience with this sort of thing." She says.

This time it's her turn. Her skin turns a silvery blue, her once silky (h/c) hair now a deep navy color. And her eyes. Her eyes the most stunning part, turning completely icy blue, so you can no longer see her irises or pupils. 

"Surprise." She says, looking down at her feet, eyes slightly changing shade.

"I suppose I shouldn't have been worried." Loki says, smiling. "You're gorgeous, darling."

He reaches down, cupping her face in his hand. Y/n leans into it, and then gives him a quick peck on the lips. However, this wasn't enough for Loki. He draws her face back to his, crashing his lips onto hers.

Of course, the Avengers and Frigga were watching through the doors, just out of Loki and Y/n's sight. 

"Did you know about this? The Y/n thing I mean." Natasha says, turning to Bucky. Bucky's proud smile disappears.

"Yeah, I did. Hydra doesn't exactly have guinea pigs, so they used her." He says.

"Guys, calm down. Just look at them." Steve says. "They're happy." 

They all turn back to the door. And of course Frigga, being the proud mum that she is, continues to take photos with the new Midguardian camera Tony gave her.

"What's going on here?" Odin's voice booms, making the Avengers jump and turns toward him.

"Nothing dear. Just admiring the garden, that's all." Frigga says, shooing him out.

"I really hope you intend to give me those photos." Y/n says, appearing behind them, holding Loki's hand.

"Must everyone take pictures of us?" Loki asks, making them all nod.

"It's alright. I'll add them to my wall." Y/n says, letting go of his hand and walking off.

"Wall? What wall? Darling! What wall?" Loki shouts running after her.

Things were good. But of course, all good things must come to an end.


Hey y'all! I'm back (kind of). If you don't see me updating a lot, it's because my parents caught me reading Wattpad instead of doing my schoolwork. This resulted in me being forced to sit at the dining room table to work. However, I will try to update during my Student Council meetings :)

love you,


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