Chapter 7: School Sucks

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Lee and I found ourselves sitting in the back of the classroom together, whispering together and mocking Snape behind his back.

"Ms. Black. Mr. Jordan. Is there something more important than what I'm teaching you, that you'd care to tell the class?"
"No sir." Lee and I said in unision. "Well then, you shouldn't mind answering this question on the chalkboard? Writing it on the board, that is." Some of the Slytherins chuckled, others smirked. I felt all the eyes on me as I walked through the desks to the front of the class. Snape handed me a piece of chalk as I passed him, and I gave him a quick glare, which he returned.

The question read, in Snape's awful handwriting;

What is the purpose of the potion

"Not gonna give me anything harder?" I asked Snape. "This is sixth year level, Ms. Black."
"Ah, I see." And I began to write;

Amortentia, better known as a Love Potion, takes the scent of the person you love most, or who you believe to be your 'soulmate.' You would give the potion to the person you want to love you back and they instantly fall in love with you. If you make the potion weakly, the victim of the potion will feel guilty for going against the person they truly love. If the potion is made too strong, however, they may never love anyone else again. If someone takes an old potion, they could feel drowsy, and if it's too old they could die. Many people suggest just taking the scent to find their soulmate, for it can cause serious problems if you give someone a love potion. Many people have ended up in Azkaban because of their love for someone.

I handed the chalk back to Snape casually as I walked past him again, and he sneered at me. "Good.....Explanation." Snape said slowly, obviously mad that I was able to overcome his attempt at an embarrassment. "You are dismissed." He said as the bell rang, and I grabbed my bag and walked out first.

"That was amazing!" Lee exclaimed as he caught up with me. "We have to tell George in Transfiguration!" He added, looking as if he was in deep thought. "Yeah." I said distractedly.


"You impress me more and more every day." Fred said in awe. Lee and George had just told him what I did in Potions. "Wish I could've seen the look on his face after you answered perfectly. It would be hilarious." George added, taking a bite of chicken.

Lee and I were the first to finish eating, so we got up, and Fred immediately stood up with us. I was slightly confused because usually Fred eats two plates of food, but he had only eaten half a plate and still came with us. We walked down to Charms, Fred and Lee on either side of me. We talked and laughed the whole way there, until Lee wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Fred wasn't happy abiut that for some reason that I don't know. He glared at Lee, and Lee slowly pulled his arm away. This caused Lee to pick up his speed, walking farther and farther ahead of us, until he was barely a black dot. "Fred!" I scolded.


"Why did you do that! He's my friend, he's allowed to do that!"

"Okay, okay I'm sorry." He said, replacing Lee's arm with his. I rolled my eyes but allowed it, slowly moving closer to him as we walked. "You know, you really tick me off sometimes." I told him, now leaning my head on his shoulder. "Yeah it really looks like it. Or is now just not one of those times?" I laughed as I playfully slapped his hand that was hanging off my shoulder, and he just chuckled. "You know your beautiful when you're happy."
"And you're really cute when you laugh." I respond, not even thinking about what I was saying. I slapped my hand over my mouth, and as I lowered it I said, "I mean- er- am I not beautiful all the other times?"
"Smooth." Fred responded sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and we went back to laughing and talking.

Lee and Fred still hadn't made up, so it was really awkward in the common room that evening. Fred was sitting on the couch, and I was laying down with my head in his lap as he stroked my hair. I know it sounds like a couple thing, but we're only good friends. We're eleven for Merlin's sake. Lee was sitting on an arm chair farthest from the couch, not really talking or having a good time like the rest of us. George was sitting on the other end of the couch, my feet propped on his lap.

"So then my Dad went to look in the cupboard in the kitchen, to find Kreacher polishing the stolen things from the rubbish pile! He made this face like he was innocent, and Dad was screaming curse words you could only dream of! Then I heard Kreacher wondering into my room muttering about nutters betraying the family trust! He always worshiped me more than most of the family, so he came in asking if I wanted a pie as if nothing happened! I swear that elf has no sense!" I was telling a recent story about Dad's hate for our house elf, Kreacher. Fred and George laughed through the whole thing, but Lee just gave out forced and distracted chuckles. There had to be something more than just Fred bothering him.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air." I said, sitting up and stretching. "Care to join Lee?" I asked. I was gonna get this out of him. He looked up at me distractedly, looking bewildered that I had just invited him with me. "I'm sure Fred would want to-"
"No. I would like you to join me on the walk." I said, pulling him up from the chair. I saw Fred sit back down after slightly standing after Lee's comment, and I gave him an apologetic smile.

With a lot of persuasion- and pulling- I managed to get Lee out onto the courtyard. Now the hard part. Getting the truth.

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