after eating her meal, she attempts to go out and find the strange figure she saw the other morning. the parents of the girl, asking where she may be off to, "I'm just going for a walk, I'll be back by sunset." she says suspiciously to the king and queen, she's running out of the doors with her princess gown, flowing in the wind as she sees the figure, she calls "wait!!" the person notices her, and walks closer..
"who are you, and why have you been walking outside the castle so often?" she whispers. "you can't be here, you'll get caught and taken away." the tall boy, dressed in a fancy suit looks her in the eyes, and walks away. she says, "hold on! you need to talk to me." the boy continues to walk into the forest, as the princess turns to reassure that nobody is watching, turns back around and sees the boy is gone.
her lover<3
Romancea princess finds out a secret of this mysterious Prince, he's not the person she expects him to be, but he fills her stomach with butterflies. it's true love<3