part 6<3

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as the stormy night went on, the Princess knew she had to find the prince, she snuck out of the castle and ran through the storm, her hair flowing in the wind, and the rain pouring down, she arrived to the cottage and ran inside.
"woah there, what's going on?" the boy said surprised, "I need to talk to you, now." the princess stayed, she showed him the page from the book, his face showed no expression, he looked up to the princess with tears, "I'm sorry." he says, she says "but why, you seem so, innocent?" but he wasn't, except maybe to her. she sat down on his bed and talked to him about his past, he let it all out, all his feelings and she hugged him, that was the first hug he's gotten since he was 4. he was overwhelmed, nobody has wanted to know him before.

"I have to go, Prince." the princess said, the boy walked her to the end of the forest with a "goodnight, princess." her heart filled with butterflies, she's never felt this way, but she's only just met him, why does she feel like this?

she runs into the castle doors soaking wet, her dress dropping with raindrops, she tiptoes slowly up the spiral staircase into her room, looked out her window with a "goodnight." and fell asleep, dreaming about this boy who fills her stomach with butterflies.

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