The Howling

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I've decide to post a new story for you all!I hope you enjoy it.This is just the prologue, please give it a chance.I'm trying to create a different story from the rest of the werewolf ones on Wattpad.I will be updating Naked soon, so don't worry.I will be updating both stories as fast as I can, hopefully I'm fast enough.Please vote, comment and fan.I really want to hear how i can improve my stories.Tell me in the comments or on my message board.Thank you and enjoy!

The picture at the side is Jasmine and the song is Numb by Marina and the Diamonds.Gah i love that woman!


 A long, loud and doleful cry which causes a chill down your spine. Leaving shocks and tingles through your body.

That’s what springs from every future Alpha’s vocal cords when it’s their 18th birthday.

That’s what expected to happen to my sister, Flora, or myself. On our 18th birthday.

Everyone thought it was going to happen to Flora. Even I expected it to happen to my older twin, who was born two minutes faster than, I.

I’m just normal, nothing special Jasmine. Compared to Flora, I’m an average person with two best friends. Flora has been the popular primadonna she is, since she could talk.

Everything has always been easy for the both of us but, she’s defiantly more demanding. Probably a billion times more demanding than, I am…well that’s probably exaggerated a bit but, still. When she wants something, she wants it now. Being Alpha was not exception.

Now back to me before this because another long, over going story about my princess of a twin.

I don’t mind having to be in my sister’s shadow all the time. Actually, I prefer it. I don’t need to be expected to be an exact copy of my twin.

To be honest, I rather not be Alpha of the Lucan pack. I don’t need all the attention nor do I want it. I rather just blend in with the wall.

I’m the average girl down the hall, wearing glasses that you won’t even notice. Not even if there is a big sign, being pointed at me with flashes of light and saying ‘Hey you! Yeah you! Can you notice me already?!’

This is why everyone thinks Flora will be the first female alpha of the Lucan pack and of North America.

Unlike her, I’m just a normal person. The fates would probably be high on drugs if they chose me over my sister.

I don’t even make insanely high grades for you to call me a nerd, I’m not athletic nor am I popular.

At Hidden Crest High School, a high school for only werewolves, I’m at the middle of the food chain.

Sure I have friends, two of them to be exact but, I’m not massively involved with people like Flora or Hunter, the schools biggest jock and soccer captain.

Are people just naturally popular? Like it was passed down in their genes? I guess that DNA skipped me.

In the end, when you put it down with the facts, I’m not meant to be the alpha of our pack. Flora is.

I’m just me and I like it that way. I don’t need the title of ‘Alpha’ to complicate that.

Damn, I really jinxed myself by saying that…

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