Chapter 1

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Alright people!I'm back and ready to post more chapters of The Howling and possibly Naked.I'm sorry I haven't been posting but, I'm trying.I'm working on chapters on The Howling at the moment and soon Naked.Comment please.I really want feedback on this story.


The picture at the side is Madison Hilliard

The song is Hit the Lights by Selena Gomez & the Scene.


Chapter 1

14 Days before my 18th birthday.

Welcome to Hidden Crest.

Population: 5,390.

A very small town, smack dab in the middle of the east coast state: Pennsylvania. Not relatively known for anything or known at all but, it’s known for one main thing…


The population is made up of only werewolves. You could bump into one without realizing it.

The only people who know about werewolves living here, are the ones located in North America.

Hidden Crest is basically a small town Eden for werewolves to live in harmony...well as much harmony there is with two packs living in this area.

The Lucan pack and The Terra pack.

Both packs are known thought North America.

The Lucan pack is known for being the biggest pack in North America. There are roughly about 701 wolves in that pack.

The Terra pack is known for allowing rogues into their pack. Most of that pack is made up of wolves that were once rogues.

Both packs get along...most of the time. The teenagers of the packs go to different schools. The Lucan pack adolescents attend Hidden Crest High school, while the teens of the Terra pack attend Marked Hallows Institution.

Just by the names of the schools, you can tell how different these Packs are.

The Lucan Pack is made of laid back werewolves but, who are serious when necessary. They live on homes on the east side of Hidden Crest. The families are usually apart of the middle upper class society.

The Terra pack is filled with preppy, wealthy werewolves. They all live in gigantic homes on the west side. It’s obvious that they’re apart of the upper class.

The adolescents of both packs have had a rivalry going on at each school for years. It also doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon. 

The only way they battle that out without getting in any insane trouble, is on the football field and soccer field.

In the end it’s always a draw between the players on either team.

I’m guessing you’re already wondering how I know all this, huh?

Well I’m Jasmine, Jasmine Canis, The Alpha of the Lucan pack’s daughter…Well one of.

My twin, Flora, is his other daughter.

She’s basically the opposite of me even though we’re twins.

She’s popular. I’m on the edge of being consider a nerd. I might wear Glasses and never have my hair down but, I’m far from brilliant.

She has a mob of people flocked around her every day. I have my best friends by my side, Finn and Madison.

And lastly

She’s loved by all the guys while; I’m the loser who hasn’t even gotten past first base.

Now before you judge my twin for that last statement, she hasn’t been with a guy any further than, getting touchy feely. She may be popular but, she’s not a slut, far from it.

“Earth to Jas!” I heard someone yell my name into my ear, causing me to fall out of my seat and glanced up at the intruder of my personal space.

It was none other than, one half of my subset of friends, Madison Hilliard. She stood over me glaring down into my brown, golden eyes while swiping her long black hair to the side. In the background, I could hear a few snickers from the few lingering students left in the classroom.

“Dude I was calling you at least a hundred times!” Madison exaggerated, with a pout forming on her lips like a child.

I started to get up, grumbling to myself how my best friend sounds like an air horn going off when she’s so close.

“Well sorry, I was just thinking.” I said sighing to myself and began to gather my things.

“Ooh let me guess! Was it about Finn?!”She squealed into my ear.

At that my hand automatically clamped onto her mouth and my neck and cheeks became as red as a baboon’s butt.

I knew one I would regret telling her how I felt about Finn. I had told her the night before about how I’ve had a crush on our best friend since freshman year. Of course she was annoyed that I waited for our senior year to tell her but, come on! This was the exact reason why I didn’t tell her; she’d scream it out to the world if she could. She’s that big of blabber mouth.

“Shut up!” I shrieked. I got a few stares from that. I dropped my hand from her mouth since she was starting to lick my hand. Yes, I know. Way gross. I grab my bag and belongings and walked out the classroom with Maddie by my side.

“You’re gonna have to tell him sooner”

“Tell who, what?” Somebody from behind us spoke up. We turned around to find that the intruder this time was none other than, Finn himself.

“H-hhey Finn-n” I stuttered out loud. I never actually stuttered in front of Finn before, I’ve always been comfortable around him but, since I’ve told Madison about my crush on him, I felt like the whole world knew.

“Hey Jassy.” He spoke up before looking at Madison and repeating the question to her.

“Tell who, what?”

“It’s no one.” I said and he averted his eyes back on me.

“Alright, I’ll catch you two at lunch, right?” He said while glancing at us both.

“Of course!” Maddie said before I could make a fool of myself by stuttering again. Thank gosh for her.

After that, he smiled at us and walked off to his next class.

“Come on, Jas. We don’t wanna be late for Global History with The Sprinkler. Maddie proclaimed with horror on her face.

The Sprinkler was our history teacher, Ms. Marcus. She always chooses to stand up in the front row and her spit flies all the way to the poor sucker’s face who end up being late for the class and have to sit in the very front.

I turned to Maddie with horror on my face and exclaimed


She grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the direction the class was in. We ran at full speed, with annoyed teachers yelling at us and ourselves cracking up all the way to history.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2013 ⏰

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