Bear Hunt

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Chapter One

One day in the wild life habitat in the endangered section one of the male endangered bears died and that was the only male bear that they had in the zoo. There wasn't much bears in the world so it was very rare to find one. The owner of the endangered bear section was called Vonda Oaks. Vonda was very upset when the bear endangered bear died they morning because bears lived all over the world the world. And in some countries they might not even find a single bear because they are so rare. Vonda went to tell her. Vondas boss was called LillymAnn Rose. Lilly Ann Rose was soft when it came to her animals. She loves spending to e with the animal though. But she is heartbroken when an animal dies. Vonda told Lilly Ann Rose what happened. Lilly Ann Rose was heart broken. She quickly ran to the bear habitat with her first aid kit. But it was to late. Lilly Ann Rose checked his heart. But it wasn't pumping at all. Lilly Ann Rose started to cry. Vonda sat down on the on the ground and gave her a Lilly Ann Rose a hug. Vonda said to Lilly Ann Rose its ok I know these bears are rare but they are not all gone. Lilly Ann Rose looked up a bit and said thank you to Vonda. Vonda smiled. Your welcome she said. Lilly Ann Rose said to Vonda will you find me a bear said Lilly Anne Rose looking sadley at Vonda.

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