Two: Mission of Wall Maria

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The Scout Regiment left from Wall Rose in the early morning the following day. There was unease in my stomach as our horses lined up in front of the wall, waiting for the gate to open so the mission would commence.

I was positioned directly to the side of and partially behind Levi. To my right was section Commander Hanji, who yelled gleefully about her hopes of encountering an abnormal titan. Levi seemed agitated with her, making a comment about how he's looking at an abnormal already.

"Where?" Hanji asks with a little too much excitement and Levi grabs her by her head and makes her look at him.


I snicker but say nothing, trying to keep my horse, Nidami, from getting too anxious.

"You ready for this?" Petra asked from behind me.

"I guess." To be frank, the missions never excited me. They only ever made me nervous. Encountering Titans was always stressful and always lead to death. These missions just felt like we were leading people to suicide.

"You know, you don't always have to look like you have a stick up your ass." Eld remarked to me, flanking Levi's left side as his Second Lieutenant.

"Hey Eld, guess what?" I asked him, not bothering to look at him.


"Shut up."

He smirked and laughed teasingly. "Oh come on, Dani, you can give us a little smile, can't you? Just a little one?"

"What do I have to smile about? A bunch of these men are going to die today. Do you find that amusing, Lieutenant?" I asked him, reverting back to professionalism.

"We'll be fine." He responded apathetically, stretching on the back of his horse.

"Oh, well, it's a good thing it's just us going out there." I paused, waiting a beat before speaking again and giving him a deadpan expression. "Oh wait, there are other people that are going too." I clicked my tongue and looked away again but not before I picked up on the noticeable red tint that had appeared on his face.

"Well, I, for one, would kill three consecutive Titans to see Lieutenant Blackwood smile." Oluo commented and I turned around to see his wrinkled face bat his eyelashes at me.

"Make it ten, and you've got a deal." I held back my smirk, knowing it counted as a smile and faced forward.

Levi turned around then, his eyes looking between me and the rest of the squad with boredom. "Will you all stop flirting with my Lieutenant and pay attention." He ordered, making the guys straighten their backs and shut their mouths.

As if on cue, the gate began to open, small enough that only we could pass through and not Titans. Commander Erwin lead us through the opening and into Titan territory, the buildings in this area perfect for our ODM gear.

It didn't take us long to encounter a titan and from that point forward, everyone split up.

Captain Levi disappeared quickly, taking out titan after titan in a matter of minutes. As much as I would have liked to watch in awe, I knew I had a job of my own to do.

With a small four meter titan heading my way, I used my omni-directional mobility gear to swing onto a rooftop before I shot the gear into the Titans skull and zipped past it, digging my blades into the nape of its neck as I passed. When I touched down onto the opposing rooftop, the Titan fell just as Petra caught up to me, dropping down beside me.

She grinned challengingly. "That all you got? A small titan? You can do better than that." She teased me. Just then, Levi zipped past, going for another Titan.

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