Twenty Four: Pending Investigation

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Levi had everyone else clean the base that day while Sasha and I sat out, our injuries allowing us some leeway. I talked with her for a while, but she seemed mostly focused on food. This wasn't something I was particularly interested in, so I had a hard time keeping conversation with her. Still, I found myself feeling bad when I wouldn't do more than nod, so I tried to make comments about things I didn't care about on occasion. When it was time to retire for the night, I found myself feeling guilty that I was relieved I didn't have to continue talking with her. Next time I would have to dominate the conversation so I wouldn't feel guilty about not participating more.

As I headed for bed, Levi intercepted me, looking tired from the long day he had. I greeted him with a smile, but he remained stoic.

"I need to talk to you." He said flatly, making my brows cinch together.

"What's wrong?" My eyes searched his face for anything that would give away what he was going to say, but he remained apathetic as always.

His eyes shifted away from mine, unable to hold eye contact. Now, he seemed to act nervous, making me ever more confused.

"I'd prefer if you stayed in my room tonight."

I was dumbstruck, unsure of how to respond. My lips parted slightly in surprise and I shook my head gently, as if that would reset my brain so I could think. "What?"

His eyes slid my way again, meeting my gaze. "Idiot. I said I'd prefer if you stayed in my room tonight."

I opened my mouth to respond, then closed it again, still not quite sure of how to respond. "I...why?"

"Because I'm concerned you're going to leave again and if you're in my room, I know you can't leave without me noticing."

A small smile found my lips, making Levi roll his eyes.

"Don't tease me." He demanded before I could say anything.

"I wasn't going to!" I laughed, shoving him playfully.

"I saw that devious little smile."

"I dont know what you're talking about." I played innocent, shrugging my shoulders.

Levi shifted uncomfortably before crossing his arms and staring at me through half lidded eyes. "So? Will you?"

"You're asking me?" I tried to hide my surprise. I had figured it was more like an order.

"Tch. Our private relationship isn't the same as our professional relationship. I'm not going to order you to do anything, especially staying the night with me."  He looked mildly offended that I would even think such a thing.

Raising my eyebrows slightly, I nodded and pursed my lips. "Okay. Thanks for the clarification." I paused, mulling over his request. Should I be offended that he wants to essentially watch over me? Was this treating me like a child? Or was he trying to come up with an excuse for me to stay the night with him? Holding his gaze, I nodded hesitantly. "Okay... I'll stay with you. But you better have a nice blanket or I'm going back to my room."

"There are plenty of blankets to choose from." He assured me, turning to lead the way to his office. I folded my hands behind my back and followed him, trying to hide my giddiness. Resisting the urge to mock him was difficult. All I wanted to do was sing 'you liiike me' to him until he got annoyed. Still, I refrained from my urges and followed him into his office. He closed the door behind me before going to the left through the next door which lead to his quarters. I had only been in here once and it was for a short time, to clean the wounds that Ficks had left on my hips. They had since healed, leaving not even a scar.

To Die For (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now