Ms Helifire

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[Scene: Manor. Conservatory. Prue's on the phone. Piper is getting coffee Phoebe's sitting at the table eating her breakfast.]

Prue: All right, I can meet with the Curson Foundation at noon but then we'll have to move my 1:00 lunch regarding the Lowe estate. That will affect my 2:30 slide presentation and my 4:30 meeting with the new printers. Have you confirmed Mrs. Swanson yet?

Phoebe: The last Tae Bo class is at seven.

Prue: Okay. I can meet the printers at their office, walk to the Royal Hotel afterwards for my 5:30 with Mrs. Swanson. (to Phoebe) I just have enough time to make it to kick boxing class. (on phone) Her plane doesn't arrive until six?

(Prue's cell/mobile phone rings.)

Phoebe: So much for Tae Bo. Oh, that's your phone, I will get it for you.

Prue: Thanks, it's probably Jack.

Phoebe: You don't have time for Jack, literally. (She answers it.) Prue Halliwell's phone. (to Prue) It's Mr. Caldwell's office.

Prue: It's the new VP. Monique, why is Mr. Caldwell calling me at home? What emergency staff meeting? When this morning?

Phoebe: 9:30. Be there or be fired.

Prue: I'm on my way.

Phoebe: Bye. (They hang up.) I am very tired and now I need a nap.

Prue: Yeah, well, I need another me. I don't even have time to have fun anymore.

(Pandora enters carrying a bag.)

Phoebe: Oh, look who it is.

Pandora: Morning.

Phoebe: Hi. Do you recognise that person?

Prue: Yeah, she looks vaguely familiar. Kind of like a sister we used to have. What was her name? Pa... P...

Phoebe: Pa... Panada?

Prue: Pandoa?

Piper: Whatever happened to her?

Prue: I don't know. She fell in lust with the next-door neighbour, started spending all her time there.

Pandora: That's because she could, for the first time in months, her life was nice and calm and normal. I don't even care that it's Friday...

Phoebe: Shh! Don't even say it.

Pandora: The 13th. See, I said it, and nothing happened.

(Suddenly someone starts shooting through the windows of the house. They scream and run past the dining room, into the living room. Prue and Phoebe dive behind the couch and Pandora and Piper stay on the other side of the room.)

Phoebe: I told you not to say it!

Pandora: Oh, so this is my fault?

Prue: Run!

Piper: No!

Phoebe: Get your butts over here right...

(they run past the table and Piper freezes the bullets and glass that's coming towards them. they hides behind the couch. The person stops shooting and they peek over the top of the couch and the person starts shooting again. They duck behind the couch.)

Prue: Oh, like I need this today. (The person stops shooting.)

Phoebe: Since when do demons use bullets?

Piper: Maybe it's not a demon.

Prue: Who else would want to kill us?

Pandora: Well, you know, you were a little sharp to the mailman yesterday, we all know how testy they can be.

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