Pardon my Past

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(When in the past Pandora's name is reynolds)

[Scene: Halliwell Manor. A party is happening. We see Piper and Pandora serving drinks. Prue shows a couple to the door. Loud music is playing.]

Woman #1: Great party.

Prue: Drive carefully.

Man #1: Good night.

(Pandora puts the tray on the table in the hall. Prue comes to her.)

Prue: Great party. Maybe we should do this more often.

(Pandora's attention is directed towards Dan and Leo, who are drinking beer and talking in the living room.)

Pandora: Yeah. Maybe next time we can trim the guest list by one.

Prue: Pandora. I had to invite Leo. He was at the club when I went to go pick up the supplies. He knew that we were throwing a party.

Pandora: Well didn't you think maybe he'd feel a little awkward being here because of Dan?

Prue: It doesn't look like he feels too awkward to me. Look, Pandora, he's been mortal for what? A couple of weeks now? I mean, I felt bad for him. He doesn't know anybody and it's not like there's a fallen-white-lighters-support group to join or anything.

Pandora: Prue, I'm not upset with you. I'm just...I'm...I'm upset with the whole situation.

Prue: Well, Leo's just going to have to accept the fact that you're with Dan now. You are still with Dan, right?

Pandora: Yes. Of course.

(We see Leo and Dan laughing.)

Pandora: What do you think they're talking about?

Prue: You

Pandora: Great.

(Phoebe comes out of her room by the stairs.)

Phoebe: Hey you guys. (Prue Pandora and Piper look at her.) Give me a break. It's after midnight. I have midterms tomorrow.

Piper: Sorry. Phoebes. We didn't realize we were being so loud.

Prue: Why don't you take a study break? Clear your head. Come on down.

Phoebe: I can't. I have too many phobias. (Prue, Pandora and Piper give her the "what" look) To learn about for my psych exam. I had no idea there were so many. "Claustrophobia. Arachnophobia." (Reading from the cards in her hand) Um. "Kleptophobia, Phallusphobia."

Prue: "Relax-a-phobia".

Phoebe: Cute.

Pandora: Just trying to help.

Phoebe: You can help by keeping it down. Did I mention it's after midnight?

Piper: Twice.

Prue: Party's breaking up anyway.

Phoebe: Thank you.

(Phoebe kisses her hands, throws them at her sisters, and then goes into her room. Piper Pandora and Prue look back at Leo and Dan, who are laughing)

Pandora: What the hell are they talking about?

[Cut to Leo and Dan.]

Leo: My favorite ball player? Joe DiMaggio. Hands down.

Dan: DiMaggio. No. I meant when you were growing up.

Leo: DiMaggio grandfather's favorite. That's why he's mine too.

Dan: You know Leo, this is just an observation, but uh, you don't like to talk about your past that much. Do you?

Leo: It's just not all that interesting, really.

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