Chapter 2 (finale)

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      Zander closed the door to Luke's dorm. Luke had invited him over to be able to talk in private. He did share the dorm with another guy but his dorm mate wouldn't show up until another hour. Zander's footsteps felt light on the dark brown,carpet floor as he walked towards Luke.  "So what did you want to talk about?" Zander asked as he stood in front of Luke. Zander was always straightforward,despite the fact that he wasn't straight at all. Luke looked up at Zander. "O-oh well I was hoping just you and I could talk about stuff for a while. It has been a long time since we last hung out together,just the two of us" Luke replied with a nervous smile. Luke,on the other hand,liked to beat around the bush. He usually took a while to say exactly what he wanted to say. The dorm light was dim,just the way Zander liked it. He smiled.                            "Well that sounds like a good idea. I....I do miss spending time with you" he said with a blush creeping across his face. That was the only thing Zander hated about having a crush on Luke. The fact that he could easily make him blush.

       Luke gestured for Zander to come closer and sit by him. Zander kept his smile,walked over,and sat on Luke's bed,making eye contact with him. He cleared his throat. "So have you met anyone special during these years of college?" Zander asked with a slightly noticeable crack in his voice. This was the question that was burning in Zander's chest for years. He needed to know if Luke liked someone else or if he was already with someone else. Luke was an amazing person so it wouldn't be that hard for him to get a boyfriend or girlfriend. Luke suddenly chuckled. "Meet anyone special during these college years? Sure,I've made a couple of friends but they aren't as close to me as you guys. If I'm being honest,I already have someone special to me and I've known them for a really long time,way before college" Luke said with a blush as he looked away from Zander. Zander's eyes widen in shock as he felt his heart slightly break. Luke did have someone special,someone he liked but he's known them for a long time now. He wondered who it was. Him and Luke have been very close friends since elementary school but Luke's never told him anything about this special person. "W-who?" Zander felt himself asking,which he didn't intend to. Luke smiled and looked at Zander. "I'll tell you soon" he said as his blush grew bigger. Zander noticed Luke's pink blush and he couldn't but feel jealous. Whoever this person was,Luke obviously liked them a lot. Zander wished Luke would return his feelings but now he felt like that would never happen. Zander felt Luke's gentle touch on his shoulder. "Are you okay Zander? You look kinda down" Luke asked with a worried face. Zander immediately turned red and shook his head. "I'm fine! It's just that I've really missed you" Zander said with a meek voice. Luke smiled and wrapped his arms around Zander. "I really missed you too.I didn't go a day without thinking about you at least once" Luke whispered in Zander's ear.
       Zander felt his face get warm from Luke's touch and words. "I thought about you a lot every night. You were even in my dreams" Zander said with a blush. Luke chuckled. "You were in mine too" he said as he held Zander close. One of the things that Zander missed the most about Luke were his hugs. Zander hated hugs but when Luke hugged him,it was different. He had this warm feeling inside him when Luke hugged him and he felt comforted too. He wrapped his arms around Luke to return the hug. Zander felt his emotions swirl inside him in that moment. He wasn't sure why,maybe it was from the fact that Luke told him he had someone special or maybe it was from the hug. All Zander knew is that he suddenly felt overwhelmed and a break in his heart. Tears started rolling down his cheeks onto Luke's shoulder. Luke felt Zander tense up and his shoulders slowly move so he separated from the hug to be able to look at Zander in the eyes. "What's wrong Zander? Why are you crying?" Luke said with a worried voice as he made eye contact. Zander looked away from Luke and began wiping his tears. "I don't know,I just felt so down all of a sudden like a break in my heart. I've been lonelier without you around and I never really let those emotions out" Zander quietly said. Luke scooted closer to Zander and held his hand. "It's okay to let your emotions out Zander,you shouldn't hide them. Now that I'm here with you,I can comfort you. I've been lonelier without you too so I'm really happy that you're here" Luke said as he kept his gazed fixed on Zander.
      Tears kept falling down Zander's cheeks. Zander knew there was another reason why he felt this way but he wasn't sure if he should say it. "Something else is bothering you. I can tell" Luke said as he gave Zander's hand a worried squeeze. Zander looked up with a surprised expression. Luke knew him too well. He sighed. Well it was now or never. He just hoped he wouldn't ruin their close friendship. "I-I well um I'm also down because you said you have someone special. To be honest,I....I love you Luke but I know you don't feel the same way and I know I'm making this awkward by saying this now but I've kept in for so long" Zander said as he blushed and looked down. Luke felt a bright pink blush emerge on his face. Zander loved him. Zander actually felt the same way. Those words made Luke's heart beat faster and harder but in a good way. He's thought about how he would tell Zander but Zander told him first. He didn't have to worry about getting rejected. Luke looked at Zander and saw his worried expression. Zander probably thought that Luke didn't feel the same way. Luke raised his free hand and gently ran his fingers in Zander's hair. Zander immediately blushed more and looked up at Luke. "Zander that person I was talking about....that person is you. You're that special someone to me and I love you too. I've loved you for years now" Luke said with a blush and a smile. Zander could feel Luke leaning in closer and his heart started to race. He felt his face getting warmer and warmer with each passing moment.
      His face heated up completely when he felt Luke's lips gently press against his. Luke held Zander close as they both had huge blushes on their face. The kiss was gentle but sweet. They both wanted this moment to last forever. After years of not being able to tell their feelings,they were finally expressing them in the form of a kiss. Nothing else in the world seemed to matter at that moment. Even though the kiss was only a couple of seconds long,it still felt like an eternity to them. "Oooo I didn't know you have a boyfriend Luke" was the first thing they heard when they separated from the kiss. Luke and Zander blushed more than ever and turned around too see a blonde haired guy. "Elijah,he's not my boyfriend!" Luke yelled out with an embarrassed face. He never would've thought that Elijah would come early and that someone would see him kissing Zander for the first time. Elijah laughed. "Sureee he's not. I saw that lip lock between you two" he said as he pointed to Luke and then at Zander. Zander blushed more and looked at Luke. He hesitated for a moment but decided to ask an important question. "Luke....will you be my boyfriend?" Zander asked. He wanted to be alone with Luke but he knew Elijah wasn't going to leave soon so he built up the courage to ask Luke right here,right now.
    Luke moved back in surprise but then quickly smiled. He leaned back closer to Zander and kissed his cheek. "Yes,I will be your boyfriend" Luke answered with a huge smile. "See now you have a boyfriend!" Elijah cheered out with a huge grin. "Yeah I do" Luke replied,keeping that huge smile. Zander pulled Luke into a hug and Luke hugged back. "LANDER!" Elijah screamed out before running out the door and closing it. Luke and Zander both blushed from the ship name but kept each other close. 

  They were finally together after years of separation.

A/N:Hey guys! I know this fic was short but I hope it was fun to read :>  I'm trying to publish my fanfics here in the order I wrote them so I'll be posting a Jailey fic next. (Maybe my college au later because I really want to make a cover for it) Anygays, see you guys later ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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