Danger Force Begins!

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We sat on our desk, it was the day that Danger Force started! We were practicing lies for a couple of days now, it is getting boring!

Schwoz comes in and saying "Ok, time to practice your lying!"

We all groan, except Mika.

Schwoz turns to the board and starts reading the first practice lie "My friend is on fire, I must run to pour water on his face"

"My friend is on fire, and IIIII'm really the only one doing this?" asked Mika, looking at the rest of us

"As fun as it is to practice lying all day, it's not fun at all and I hate it" Chapa says sitting up

"I didn't even think it would be this boring" I said

"Hate is a very strong word, and in this case, it's accurate" says Miles

"What they're trying to say, is that Captain Man bought this school to teach us how to be superheroes, but if all we do is--" Mika started but Schwoz cut her off

"Lying is a very important part of being a superhero, you have to learn to protect your secret identi-ti-ti-ty" said Schwoz, stuttering

"You know what, we didn't ask for these powers" said Chapa

"Ohhhhh here we go" Schwoz said annoyed

"Yeah! You built that weapon that blew up, and gave 'em to us when Captain Man and Kid Danger fought Drex!" said Miles

"Yeah! You were all, 'AYYYYY there is a caveman on top of meeee!'" said Bose mimicking Schwoz and making all of us laugh, except Schwoz

"Why is that funny, a caveman really was on top of me" said Schwoz

"And Mika was all...." Bose pointed to Mika

"Kid Danger needs help!" said Mika standing up

"And Captain Man was like...." Bose pointed to Chapa

"Just shoot us!" said Chapa

"But Kid Danger said...." Bose pointed to Miles

"If I blast you, you won't be indestructible anymore" said Miles

"Neither will Drex, now shoot us you quitter!" said Chapa

"Hit the caveman on the head, I was helping" said Schwoz

"And then Kid Danger was like" Bose pointed to me

"Hold on to your hoses" I said

"Explosiooooon" said Bose, and we all faked an explosion

"And now I can. Wait, what's my superpower again?" asked Bose

"You can move things with your mind" reminded Mika

"Basic Telekinesis" I said

"I thought that was Chapa...." said Bose, pointing at Chapa

"No, I can shoot lightning bolts out of my hands" explained Chapa

"Sick! Then what's Miles's power?" asked Bose, pointing at Miles

"He can teleport anywhere in the world" explained Mika

"Filthy. Then what's Y/n's superpower?" asked Bose

"I have every power in the world, but I am not stronger than any of you" I explained

"Nice! Then what's Mikas superpower?" asked Bose

"She doesn't have one!" me, Chapa, and Miles said at the same time

Am I In A Show? (Danger Force ~Chapa X Reader~ ) !DISCONTINUED!Where stories live. Discover now