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I was at home now taking some notes for science at my desk in my room when there was a familiar knock at my door and without waiting for a response my older brother Jamie let him self in. I waved at him without looking up. Usually I'd be out at the kitchen table sprawled out everywhere but things had been awkward and just odd at home since I came out. It was just easier to be sprawled out in here. 
"You know." He laughed. "You're so lucky you are a good student. I heard about your "antics" in science class today." He laughed,  imitated Mrs Andrews, then bursted into the same maniacal laugh I did. Which made me laugh with him.
"It was fucking brilliant." I boasted. With a wry wink.
"Seriously though." he said now turning my chair to face him. It was so in character for him to flip the big brother switch that I barely reacted. "I met Leo today, he's in my English class. Seems like a good kid." Jamie called everyone "kid" even if they were his age. "Annnd.." he added with a cheeky grin. "Amber, my uh, make out buddy." He paused for affect and a reaction. And he got one. "Eww gross!" I scrunched my face up at him, imitating a small child. He laughed and pushed on.
"Anyway Amber told me about your feel.." I cut him off mostly out of embarrassment.
"I've got it under control."
"I have no doubt you do." Jamie threw his arms up in defence.
"I'm not some predatory gay." Taking a bit of offence now.
"Never in a million years would I think or say that about you, Theo. Just looking out for you. You know that."
Yeah of course I did and I nodded.
"Thanks J." I said to him.
He fist bumped me and then waved as he left the room. I turned back to my notes having totally lost my place.

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