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We had officially just graduated!!! I don't think I felt the same relief as Leo and Jamie about the school part. But I definitely felt the relief of high school being over. I couldn't wait to move to the city with Leo and start drama and music school.
As Leo, Jamie and I posed for photos with our hats and gowns (hand made of course) I reflected on the year and hugged my year eleven friends, Amber and Chloe.
"I'm so jealous that you are done with high school" Chloe said to me between photos. Her red hair flicking my cheek a few times and her apologising was quite entertaining.
"It came at a price, don't worry." I thought about my rigorous tutoring and the rush to make final auditions for drama and music school. She laughed.
Amber's and Chloe's parents being the only ones to show even though their children weren't graduating, sure made photos quicker and the three of us very thankful . Mine and Jamie's had sold the house and moved out across the country. And Leo wasn't safe at his home anymore they intended to take him to a conversion therapy which I had been dumbfounded to hear still existed. In a panic I pretty much dragged him to Chloe's place that we planned on staying at after graduation anyway. And all this was upon finding out he was gay, and moving to the city with me. But Last night We found a close knit little family of our own, though it was getting torn in two shortly we vowed to stay in contact always. Jamie saying he would drive down from the city to get Amber and Chloe whenever they wanted to visit.
Amber came in nearly bowling Leo, Jamie and I over in a huge group hug. "Hey!" Chloe ran to join.
"All right! The real graduation starts now. Graduation from this fucking town! Leaving Chloe and I to suffer another year!" She laughed as she hailed a cab.
"We go big tonight!" Jamie cheered.
"Not too big!" I reminded him.
"Shut up!" He said playfully.
Leo grabbed me from behind and lifted me briefly into the air as I was I spun to face him.
"Oh! Love birds! Get in or get your own cab!" Amber laughed hysterically. We laughed and hopped in an over crowded back seat. So illegal I thought. But I didn't care. We filed out of the cab about 15 minutes later. Arriving at the small yet popular club in town, it was the only one.
"Cigarette." I said gesturing. Amber and Chloe went in saying they would meet us.
I lit my smoke and turned to face Leo and Jamie. As Jamie also lit his. "Leo, you can go in if you want?." I said to him. He shrugged.
"I'll wait, I want to ask Jamie something anyway." He gave me a look like, Theo you knew that. And I stifled a laugh.
"What's up bro?" Jamie said flicking the ash off the end of his smoke.
"We know you have been looking for a place and haven't found one yet. Our place has an extra room if you want to crash till you find something?" Leo asked.
Jamie looked him up and down, then at me and smiled.
"I'd love to." He said. "I'll pay my way of course." He insisted. "And I'll be out of your hair in no time."
And that's the story folks of how Jamie came to live with Leo and I. Haha. "Now let's get in there and give this town a proper good bye!" He said.
Adrenaline kicked in and we were in there dancing and drinking in our close knit little group. The music pounded and we could barely hear each other but we stayed together all night. All of us off our faces by the end of it. I vaguely remember sitting on the floor of the old girls bathroom with Amber and Chloe crying our eyes out because we had to leave each other. Making out with Leo near the bar and getting a frozen drink thrown at us, Telling some guy to fuck off and nearly getting in a punch on before Jamie dragged the five of us out onto the street to avoid that. He was the most sober out of us allowing himself only one drink at the start of the night.
"Fuck!" He said. "Didn't think it would be Theo getting almost getting us into a punch on." He playfully punched my shoulder.
"The drink makes me bolder." I uttered. Leo having to stabilise me. He Laughed as I stumbled. The rest of the night was a blur of us running up and down streets, laughing, crying and singing at times. Some old guy even came out all angry telling us to go home. "But we just graduated." I remember saying way too loud. With Jamie and Leo telling me too shut up between laughs. 
"Theo's wasted.." Jamie started.
"Am not!" I laughed stumbling into Amber. Her being as drunk as me I fell into the gutter on top of her and we laughed like idiots.
"Mhmm of course not." Jamie laughed pulling both of us to our feet. Leo put his arm around my waist to stabilise me mostly.
"Let's get you all back to Chloe's." Jamie said hailing a cab. We all filed into a cab again and all arrived safely at Chloe's. We then Crashed in a huge tent put up earlier by Chloe.
"I love you idiots!" I uttered.
Everyone laughed saying they loved me too.
"If he vomits In my tent Leo, you're cleaning it." Chloe laughed.
And thus ended graduation.

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