Chapter 4

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I sat down next to Kethie with Greg on the other side of me, Alex being across from me.

"Hey, Lenny, remember we used to come here late night after we got wasted?" Higgins said. "Shh." Was what my dad replied with.

"What's 'wasted'?" Donna asked having confusion written all over her face.

"Uh, 'wasted' uh, kids, is something that happens when you have a hankering for ice cream." Dad said, not even a second later Andre stood up "I wanna get wasted.".

"I wanna get totally wasted." Charlotte continued, then Donna.

"I wanna get wasted every single day of my life."

"I wanna get chocolate wasted." Becky chipped in. I smiled at her before joining in.

"Yeah I'm with Becky on this one Dad." In response Dad rolled his eyes, giving me a amused smile while the other adults laughed.

"All right, everybody, you know what, let me make this easy." Eric announced, starting to point around the table. "Seventeen burgers and 17 fries, okay? And that'll be just for me. What are you guys having?" Eric laughs as everyone let out "aw's" around the table.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do me a favor, that's for everybody. Just put it on that." Handing the waitress his card.

"Oh, you don't have to do that." Dad started until he was cut off by the one and only Mama Rozoni.

"I am not gonna have any hamburgers. I'll take some meat loaf, some calzones, but put the marinara sauce on the side. With corn, either on the cob or whatever you got." She listed the foods on her fingers.

"Are you going to the electric chair?" Higgins joked. I stifled my laugh and looked at dad to see him also covering up a laugh with his hand.

"What?" She asked astounded.

"No, he was just kidding, Henry VII." Dad teased. Not being able to hold in my laugh, I instead laugh into my hand. I look up to see Alex giving me a soft smile that made my cheeks burn. I quickly look back to my plate.

"She's eating for two: her and Toe-bo Cop." Kurt retorted. I didn't bother holding in my laugh, finally laughing with everyone.

"But, Mama, they do have bunion rings if you want some." Dad quipped. Everyone, again, laughing at the jokes the adults made, well besides the children.

"How about some drinks?" The waitress asked.

"I said I'm paying so take it easy, okay? I'm kidding everybody, I'm kidding. We can drink all we want, I'll start off. Me and Alex will have Cokes. I know Donna, she's gonna want a sprite, correct? And Bean's," He then looked at been and sighed. "Good with milk, obviously."

"I want cookies!" Bean demands.

"Ohh, Cookies and Milf." Higgins retorted.

"MILF? Oh, Higgins, thank you so much." Sally responded.

"Take it easy, all right? Hey tuck it away, sweetie." Sally just shrugged her shoulders and put her attention back on Bean.

Greg turned around to the waitress "And I'll take a flat water. Voss."


"You know, Voss. Or Fiji, if you don't have Voss."

"Any water will be fine." I interrupted. Greg gave me a weird look before turning back to waitress.

"Yeah, we have out of the faucet." She answered, writing the order down on her note pad.

"Like, from a hose?" Greg said unamused.

I nudged him in the ribs while muttering "shut up." All I got in response was a glare from both Greg and Mom.

"Tap water." She responded.

"What country's that from?" Kethie chipped in. I defeatedly put my head in my hands, running my palms against my face in frustration.

"Oh, my god. Just get the water. We're done talking about water. Tap water." Dad finally said. I finally look over at him and he seems embarrassed, all of his friends probably having another reason to call him "Hollywood".

The nanny stood up from her seat "I go get the Voss from the..."

"You just fit down, Rita. Just study a menu. The big test is coming." Dad quickly shut her down. I looked up, hoping I could just start a conversation with Alex, to see him drawing on a napkin. I smile while taking a pen out of my bag.

'wanna go play pool?"

I quickly folded the napkin and threw it over to Alex where it landed on the napkin he was currently drawing. He looked up at me confused before opening the napkin up. He smiled down at it before writing a response, folded it, and passing it over to me.


We both looked up at each other and in sync got up to together, before the adults could ask anything we were already speed walking to the pool table.

"I bet you ten bucks I'll beat you" I said smugly. Picking up a pool stick and chalking the end.

"Mhm, you're on." He smirked as he followed her actions.


So far, to my disappointment, he was winning. I huffed as he got another ball into the hole. Determined not to lose to him, plus losing ten bucks. I pointed my stick, lined it up with the ball, and shot. Watching intently as the ball slowly sank down into the hole. I raised my arms in victory as i cheered myself on.

"You do realize that I still won, right?" I quickly gave Alex a glare before dramatically putting the pool stick back and was about to make my way back to the table until I heard over the speakers

"Rematch. I dare you."

I looked up to the counter to see my Dad standing there. I looked back at Alex and saw him just as confused as I was. We started heading back to the table and sat down. The adults gave us questioning stares, which we ignored.


I was currently playing arcade games with Charlotte and Donna when Kethie and Greg appeared next to me.

"Where'd you disappear off to with Alex?" Greg questioned. I scoffed and didn't take my eyes off the game.

"Non of your business." I said plainly.

"Oh, my god. You guys totally did it—" Kethie said, I quickly clamped my hands over his mouth.

"Are you nuts?! No we did not 'do it' we just played pool."

"Righttt." Greg said rolling his eyes.

"You guys are impossible. Leave me alone. All we did was play pool."

They just raised their eyebrows and gave me a look that said 'we totally do not believe you'. I just scoffed and turned back to the game.



Sorry for not updating in so long, I've been super busy with school and everything but since school is pretty much over I'm going to be updating a lot more.

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