Chapter 19- Midnight

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Magnolia felt a hand on her shoulder and was being shaken awake. Magnolia,out of instinct, grabbed her wand from under the pillow, pointed at the intruder of her sleep and yelled, "Stupefy!" Whoever she stunned flew back and hit the door with a yelp.

"Bloody Hell witch! I was only waking you!" she heard Scorpius yell. She sat up and looked at the ground where he was rubbing his head. She laughed sleepily. She streched her arms out and threw her head back yawning. 

"Oh sorry Malfoy! Reflex." she said. He looked at her as if she she had a hippigrif emerging from her head. 

"That's no reflex." he said shacking his head as if in shame. He jumped off the floor and into his bathroom. She swung her legs over head his bed and her feet landed on the brown wooden floors. She lazily slipped on her converse and robes. She looked in the mirrior on the wall and tried to smooth her golden hair out a bit. Scorpius re-entered and snatched his wand from the nerby table. She walked to the door and he asked if she had her wand. She nodded. Together they walked out to the black lake quietly. 

They were the first there.Magnolia looked out over the lake. The sky was dark blue and clear with yellow twinkling starts shinning all over it. The full moon glowed down on the lake creating small streaks of ligh to hit on the lake. The wind was blowing and you could smell smoke from Hagrid's hut in the distance. This was her idea,vision,feel,sound,and smell of a perfect night. The tempeture in the air wasn't chilly or blistering cold like it had been. It was warm and breezy.

"Beautful. Isn't it?" Magnolia asked. She turned her head in Scorpius' direction and saw him spread out on the ground staring up at the stars with his hands under his head.

"It'd be much more beautiful if I was asleep in my bed!" he replied."Where are those bleeding dimwits anyways?" Magnolia turned around again and pointed behind Scorpius. Albus and James were walking up with their wands gripped in their hands. Rose and Ashton were a little farther behind. Ashton was laughing at somethingg Rose had said and she was moving her hands around as she talked.

The group reached them and sat down in a circle. Magnolia continued to stand up and watch the water move in waves as the wind rolled over it. She heard Albus ask if she was ok. She held up a finger at him and watched a little longer. A snowy white owl scooped down over the water and hooted happily. Magnolia laughed as the owl flew right over her head. Ashton laughed. James wasn't so happy though.

"Magnolia.Ashton this is serious." James scolded. When Magnolia didn't move he sighed real obviously and said. "Can't you take a hint? Sit your arse down!!" he yelled. Magnolia turned sharply to him and glared imaginary daggers at him. She imagined those daggers being dipped in basilisk venom then thrown into werewolves blood and magically throwing themselves at James.

"Who do you think you are? Ordering us around?" Magnolia snapped.

James stood up and walked over to her in an angry stride. "Look,Gold, I'm only trying to figure this out! There is no time for dilly dallying around!" he yelled at her.

She set her jaw and narrowed her eyes lower at him. "We all know your the son of Harry Potter but that is no reason for you to act like you know everything! That's no reason for you to boss us around like the minister!" she yelled back.

He nodded as if he was understanding her point, "Yeah, and you would listen to the minister if he ordered you around? Your to stubborn for your own good Magnolia." he said.

She sighed and shook her head as she waved her hand out. "It's- sorry. Ok. Let's discuss this." she said. Magnolia stood between Rose and Scorpius and sat down with her knees tucked under her buml.

"Alright. So we know we have the cloak." James said.

"Ww know the stone is in the Forbidden Forrest." Magnolia said.

"And we know that Uncle Harry snapped the wand in three and threw it off the bridge." Rose said.

Albus nodded. "I say we split up and-"

"You always suggest we split." interupted Ashton. Albus ignored this.

"-and some of us go in the forrest and some under that bridge." he planned.

"Yea! Brilliant idea but how are we going under the bridge?" asked Scorpius.

"Brooms." both James and Magnolia told them.

Ashton nodded, "Okay, I wanna go under the bridge."

"Same here." Rose said.

"I'll go with them then." James spoke his thought.

"So us three are going in the forrest?" Magnolia asked gesturing to herself and the two Slytherins. Albus nodded and leaped to his feet.

"Let's go."

Magnolia Lash and Her time at Hogwarts ( A Scorpius Malfoy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now