Magnolia Lash and Her time at Hogwarts ( A Scorpius Malfoy Love Story)

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How do you define a person? By the way they move? By the way they act? Talk? Observe? Respond? Magnolia supposed there are many ways. How do you define Magnolia? Why that is a difficult task.................. A few words would be: Intellectual. Kind. Sarcastic. Funny. Adventurous. Caring. Determined. Ill tempered. Oh yea, Enemy of Scorpius Malfoy. That's a good few words to throw onto that list.

Scorpius and Magnolia have hated each other since before they were born. When they got to Hogwarts that just added fuel to the flame. Scorpius,being the oh so proud Malfoy, got sorted into Slytherin. Magnolia was placed into Gryffindor. Scorpius is a Pureblood. Magnolia is what he calls a 'half-breed'. They were both on Quidditch teams since 3rd year. Malfoy was a seeker she was a chaser. Do you get the rivalry?

It didn't help that her best friend Rose Weasly's cousin Albus was best friends with the bloody part. They were basically always around and they had to be partners in Potions too! Today like every other day was filled with him. Insulting him. Hexing him. Etc.

Magnolia Lash got up on Friday, October 30th of her 5th year. She was very excited for tomorrow. Tomorrow was the first Quidditch game of the season and it was Gryffindor against Slytherin. Halloween was also tomorrow and James Potter was throwing a party for 5th, 6th, and 7th

years in the Room of Requirement after the feast. Oh yes tomorrow would be loads if fun.

But for now she had class to get to. She got off her four poster and walked to her trunk and got her hairbrush, perfume and other toiletries before heading into the bathroom with her Gryffindor uniform. She looked in the old glass mirror and saw her pale face looking back at her. She had long honey colored hair that reached two inches under her chest, she had big green-hazel eyes and like she said before a pale face.

She brushed her teeth and hair and got dressed in her uniform. She packed up her bags according to the lessons she had that day and put her bag on her bed. Then she went over to Rose 's bed and grasped her shoulder. She shook Rose awake.

"Hmmm?" Rose said grogily. Rose threw the covers over her eyes. Magnolia was used to this by now. So she did what she did every morning. She put on a fake alarmed voice and exclaimed,

"Rose! It's 8:45! We're late for Charms!"

Rose jumped up out of bed throwing her purple blanket on the ground and to her trunk. Rose was getting dressed as.quick as possible.

"Oh my Merlin! Flitwick is going to chop my head off and feed me to the Dragons! Why didn't those stupid girls get us up earlier!?"

Magnolia was shaking her head smirking. No matter how many times she did this Rose had the same reaction. Rose was finished by now and looked at the clock and frowned.

"We're an hour early. " Rose said.

"Yes and you've woken up every one in the dormitory. " the squeaky voice of Ashley Finnigan , a short blond girl, spoke up.

" Oh boo-hoo!" Magnolia told her. She fairly disliked Ashley because in third year Finnigan had insulted her mum's job (which was working for niggle rights) and Magnolia had hexed her with a baldness hex and got a detention for it. Plus Ashley Finnigan was one of those girly girls who always wore pink.

Rose finished getting her books and followed Magnolia down to breakfast. Rose was two inches shorter than Magnolia- who was 5'8- and had stop sign red hair with pretty blue eyes and freckles over her creamy skin.

"'And you woke everyone up!' God she's so annoying!" Magnolia complained as they walked down the steps to the common room.

"Who is?" James asked getting up from off the floor and walking next to Rose and Magnolia.

"Oh just this girl in our dorm. " Rose said. She was also always afraid someone would know if you talks about them and she would be in some drama because of it. Smart girl.

"Ashley Finnigan! " Magnolia exclaimed loudly. A few people is the room turned their heads and Rose bit her lip. But Magnolia honestly didn't care if some drama was caused. Hell! She was praying for an excuse to start something with this bint.

James nodded, "Yea she comes off that way."

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