Trap in a Spider web

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Thank you Again TOKYO_exe, I hope you like it!!!!

Also, This is a warning, Their will be a mention of violence and sexual harassment, please skip this story if you feel uncomfortable.

Author's P.O.V

"Heyyy little Phantom! Don't be scared you're hurting me, We're just gonna play!"As of now The Kirisaki Daiichi was finding A certain Phantom name Kuroko Tetsuya.

They feel angry but at the same time in awe on how The phantom easily break their Spider Web, which makes them lose on the Game. The game ended and they were going home when they see Kuroko turn in dark hallway, they know what is running on their minds: They planned on Kidnapping Kuroko and make him remember the bitter sweet taste of having your dignity broken.

Kuroko was having a peaceful walk after the Seirin decided to celebrate their win a Maji Burger. He looks at his phone when he hears a sudden sound.

"Heyy! You're Kuroko Tetsuya right? Do you have a minute.... We're just going" Kuroko can feel the shiver down his spine when he hear the one in the center spoke with pure malice. Kuroko can feel all of his senses go wild and one thing on his mind.


Kuroko run for his life which makes the Kirisaki Daiichi run as well. Kuroko don't know what they want from him but he knew it wasn't anything good. Kuroko made a turn but was greeted with a hard wall. Turn around when he sees the Kirisaki Daiichi infront of him.

"You know, for someone so little, you sure have a lot of energy. But that's a good thing right?" Makoto said with playfulness.

"What do you want?"

"Come on don't be rude Tet-chan, we are going to play hide and seek, We are going to count to ten and you will hide, if we don't see can just escape but if we see you, you're ours for tonight, do you want to play? Oh Silly me, I remember you don't have an option, either you play or we will beat the you" Hara said while chewing his gum and smacking so loudly, The others smirk at the idea of having a night to remember with Kuroko.

Kuroko knows how dirty the guys infront of him, if he refuse he will get beaten up and be vulnerable and never put a fight on what will they do, if he agreed there's a fifty percent chance he will escape and fifty chance his dignity will be stolen. After thinking about the pros and cons Kuroko nodded his head as a sign that he agreed to play.

"All right! We're going to count one to ten" After The Kirisaki Daiichi all turn around and cover their eyes Kuroko Run and run.


Kuroko can feel how his legs are tiring up from the game and all the running


He made a turn, and Turn left and right.


He sees a pile of things covered in a blanket


He quickly go there and hide with the blanket also covering him.


He tried go deeper on the pile of things


Kuroko fish his phone out and tried to call Kagami but he sees that his phone batter is dead


He covered his mouth and try not to make a noise


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