Chapter 38 ==Arguments==

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"Is that Lady Anastasia's boyfriend?"

"wow,hes so handsome"

"I wonder if he's talented as Prince Luke"

I sighed as I heard some whispers in the hallways of school

"Josh do you have any idea where those two are?" I whispered to him as he shook his head

I halted in my tracks and went to the nearest person who started to shiver in fear...

"Have you seen Lady Crystal and Prince Luke?" I gently ask her as she think for a second

"No, I'm sorry Lady Anastasia... I haven't seen neither of them" She sadly said as I nod and thank her before walking back to where Josh is standing

"No avail" I told him as he sighed and nodded "Let's continue to search for them" he said as I nodded in response as we continue to our searching

"Please stop!"

I halted in my tracks when I heard a familiar voice, I look around and saw Lady Emily being bullied by someone

"Why? Do you think you will have Prince Alex all by your self? Dream on Emily"

The familiar person said as she continue to kick Emily in the ground

I quickly rush up to them and stop her, I look at the person to see Christina Xia, Lady Emily's use to be bestfriend

"Well, well, well.... If it isn't Lady Anastasia Fioré, the so called Reincarnation of the queen" Christina mockingly said

"Please Stop Lady Xia, she's the Prince's Fiancé!" I told her as she laugh at me or my words

"And so? She stole him away from you! Why can't I steal him away from her? Why is she allowed when I'm not?" She sarcastically said as I sigh

I can't just tell that the world will collapse, noone knew that we are from another world

"It's none of your business.... So please stop what your doing and find someone else to bother" I told her with anger in my eyes

She is being way too much, what the hell happen to her that made her persue Prince Alex

I never even realize that all of the students are looking at us, she look at the crowd and smirk

"Fine but in one condition, you and me should have a duel... A physical Duel, if I win... You will quit performing and banned yourself from music" She said my whole world goes blank

Not just me, but everyone was shock at the sudden challenge, I froze in my spot and millions of thoughts flooded my head

"Anastasia don't" Joshua whispered at me as I continue to frozen ignoring his words

If I don't accept, she'll take Alex away from Emily and this world will collapse

That can't happen, we'll be dead again and worst never live again, if I agree and lose I can never teach children cause I'm ban what am I gonna do!

"F-fine..." I stuttered, losing is way better than making this world shatter, many innocent lives will be gone

Many dreams will be crush because of my selfish ideas, I don't care if I'm ban with music at least I can save mullions of lives

"Great! See you tomorrow in the grand oval where your dreams will be crushed" She said as she walked away sassily

I helped Emily stand up dusting herself up

"Lady Anastasia thank you" she muttered as I nodded and helped her clean up

"Christina, has changed.... Something curropted had enter her soul... And then an unbelievable strength was in her.... She became the strongest, stronger than Atheya in the kingdom of Zero... You can't defeat her Lady Anastasia, you will be banned in music for life" she said as I only patted her right shoulder

"nothing is impossible Lady Emily, I'll find a way.." I said as she nodded and leave to somewhere

"Anastasia will you be okay?" Josh asked me as I shook my head and ran somewhere far

"Anastasia where are you going?"

I heard Joshua's voice calling out to me, I need somewhere far.. Where noone can see me cry,

This is my weakness, fighting is my weakness.... I hate it, how am I gonna win? And keep my talents?

God! What am I gonna do!

Joshua Bennet

After I lost track with Anastasia, I took a huge deep breath... This is gonna be hefty

I stop searching for her and went to find Crystal she can know where she is

She's her bestfriend ever since young, she knows where she hides

That's when I spotted Celina having fun with her boyfriend

"Lady Celina! Have you seen Crystal?" I ask her panting

"Why? Is she hiding away from you?" she panickally ask me as I shook my head

"We need her so we can locate Anastasia, she's being challenge to a duel that will change her life" I told her as she gasp and gestured me to follow her which I obediently followed

Allen went out to find Luke so we can find Anastasia together, Celina brought me to their dorm

She went inside as I patiently waited outside waiting for her loud voice


And as I split second Crystal then went out from her dorm her face is very red, red from anger I think

"Who challenge her??" she ask me grabbing me by the collar "Lady Christina Xia, Crystal... Please we need to find her and I know you can locate her" I said as she sighed

"Why didn't you stop her? You know she has traumatic experiences about fightings! She hated those" She angrily scolded me, Celina seems confused in our words

Didn't Anastasia told her she's reincarnated? Why does she seems she doesn't know about it..

"I did... She didn't listened and continue to be indulged in her thoughts, we need to stop arguing and find her... What if she's kidnap or something?" I said as she sighed

Before she could talk back at me Luke arrived with Allen

"I think I know where she is..." he said panting maybe from running?

"I know where she is too... We need to go there now!" Crystal said as Luke nodded and they lead as us 3 followed them

Still had the same sibling connection ever...

Anastasia please be ok...

Reincarnated as a villainess ==Editing==Where stories live. Discover now