Chapter 1: The first meeting

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I was walking on the side walk, my hands in my hoodie's pockets, listening to music using my wireless earphones while the cold breeze hit my face.

I watch the trees leaves blow because of the wind.

I saw kids with their parents walking on the side walk as well.

I stopped by a cafe near by.

I went inside and saw that the store is almost full.

I saw everyone ordered coffee or hot chocolate.

I understand why since it's a cold day today.

I went to the cashier and ordered my drink.

After ordering, I went to a table beside the window.

I sat down the chair and just went on my phone.

Few minutes later, my drink arrived.

I thanked the waiter and started to drink my drink slowly since it's still hot.

But that's good tho, to keep my body warm.

A few seconds later, I saw someone walk towards my table.

He stood infront of me and said...

"Hi!" He said and smiled.

"Uhh...hello" I replied.

He said, "Can I sit here? Cause there's no more chairs that I can sit on since it's all full" he said and looked around.

I looked around and said, "Uhm, yeah sure".

"Thank you!" He said.

It became a little awkward, he broke the silence and said, "I should probably introduce myself to you, well...Hi, my name is Kim Sunoo! How about you?" He said and smiled again.

"Nice to meet you Sunoo, I'm Shin Y/N" I said.

"Oh! Nice name!" He said, "Thank you" I replied.

"You have a nice name as well" I said.

"Thank you!" He said.

After that short conversation, we both remained silent.

Few minutes later, his order arrived. He thanked the waiter then he started drinking his drink.

He took out his phone and took a quick picture of it.

Meanwhile, I just stared at him.

I looked away before he could caught me staring at him and just looked out the window.

I saw him look out the window as well.

I broke the silence a few seconds later, I said. "You know, you look a little familiar to me..." I said and looked at him.

He looked at me back and said, "Hm? Really? How come?" He asked and took a sip of his drink.

"I don't know...maybe at school?? someone close to me?" I said trying to think if I saw him before.

"Hmm...maybe at school? I don't know..." he said.

"Yeah...maybe...anyways...this might be a sudden question but how old are you?" I asked.

"Oh I'm 18 years old, how about you?" He asked.

"Oh! I'm 18 as well" I answered.

"Cool!" He said and smiled.

I smiled back then we both looked out the window again.

Few minutes later, I heard him say, "Oh! I gotta go now, I just saw my friends waiting for me outside" he said and stood up taking his drink with him.

I nodded and said, "Okay, nice meeting you Sunoo" I said and waved at him.

He said, "Nice meeting you too, I'll go now, bye!" He said and waved back.

I watched him go out of the cafe.

I saw him walk over to 6 other boys.

But, one guy looked familiar to me again.

I saw them all look at me.

Which made me to look away.

I just took my phone off the table and just scrolled to find some videos to watch.

End of POV

Sunoo's POV

I walked out the cafe and walked towards my friends.

I said, "Hey guys, sorry for making you wait".

"Nah it's alright" said Jake hyung.

Niki then said, "Hyung, who was that girl we saw you sitting with?" They asked and looked back at the cafe.

I said, "It's just a girl I asked if I can sit with her since there's no more seats available" I replied.

"Ah okay, what's her name tho? Did you ask?" Asked Sunghoon hyung.

"Yeah, her name is Shin Y/N" I said.

"Hm, okay" said Jungwon.

"Wait, you said Shin is her last name right?" Said Heeseung hyung.

I nodded at him and asked "Is something wrong hyung?".

He shook his head and said, "Nothing, she just looks similar to one of my classmates".

"Ryujin noona?" Asked Niki.

Heeseung hyung nodded.

I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "Coincidence?".

"Maybe" he said.

"Anyways, let's go in the van now, it's getting colder out here now" said Jay hyung.

We nodded at him and went in his van.

Technically it's not his but he and his family owns it soo...yeah.

We're actually going to the mall right now.

End of POV

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