Chapter 5: Meet my sister

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Me, Yuna, Sunoo, Jungwon and Niki are all together.

We're all walking towards the dorms because I also wanna visit my unnie.

Meanwhile, the boys wanted to visit their Heeseung hyung.

So now we're all going there.

We entered the building and we greeted Mrs. Jeong.

She said, "Oh! Hello kids! Y/N your gonna visit your sister?" She asked while looking at me.

I nodded at her, she nodded back at me and then looked at the boys.

She said, "And you boys will visit Heeseung?" She asked them. The boys nodded.

She nodded back at them and said, "Okay, you kids can go up now".

We thanked her then we went to the elevators.

Niki pressed the button then we waited for the elevator doors to open.

Once it opened we all went in.

Yuna then pressed the 5th floor button then the button to close the doors.

The elevator then went up.


Once we arrived at the 5th floor.

We exited the elevator then walked towards the dorm rooms.

Yuna said, "Don't you boys wanna say hello to our unnies first?" She asked them.

"Yeah, so they would know you guys" I said.

The 3 looked at each other and said, "Yeah sure".

"Great" me and Yuna said.

She then unlocked the door to the dorm and we all went inside.

We took our shoes off first.

Yuna said, "I'm back! And I'm with some friends!" She said then walked towards the couch.

"Sit guys, sit" she said and us 4 sat down.

Our unnies came in the living room.

Ryujin unnie said, "Oh! Y/N-ah! Your here!" She said and went to me.

I stood up and hugged her while she hugged me back.

I broke the hug and said, "Oh! Unnies, this is mine and Yuna's other friends" I said while looking at the 3 guys.

They stood up from the couch and said, "Hello!".

"Hi! Welcome to our dorm!" Said Yeji unnie.

"Thank you" they said.

"Oh! We should probably introduce ourselves" said Jungwon.

He then said, "Hi! I'm Jungwon!".

"Nice to meet you Jungwon!" My unnies said.

"Hello! I'm Niki!"

"Nice to meet you Niki!" They said.

"And I'm Sunoo!" He said and smiled.

"Nice to meet you Sunoo!" They said.

Chaeryeong unnie said, "Aren't you friends with Heeseung as well?" She asked them.

"Ah yes noona" the guys said.

"Oh, okay" they said.

Ryujin unnie said, "Y/Nnie, I heard from Yuna that you and Sunoo just met each other in a cafe, am I right?".

I looked at her and said, "Hm? Yeah, we're not classmates so we didn't really know each other" I said while looking at Sunoo then ti my sister.

"Ah okay" she said.

"Well, we should introduce ourselves to them then" said Yeji unnie.

The other nodded.

"Well, I'm Yeji!", "Hi! I'm Chaeryeong!", "Hello! I'm Lia!", "And, I'm Ryujin, Y/N's older sister".

"Nice to meet you noonas" the guys said.

Unnies then smiled at them.

" you guys want something to eat?" Asked Lia unnie.

"Sure unnie" me and Yuna said.

She nodded then looked at the guys, "How about you 3?".

"Oh! No thx noona, me and the other hyungs are going to Heeseung hyung's dorm. Our other hyungs are there already" said Niki.

"Oh really? Well, okay then" said Lia unnie.

"Speaking of that, I think we should go now, they might be wondering where we're at" said Jungwon.

"Yeah" said Sunoo and Niki.

"Okay then, thank you for coming over" said Ryujin unnie.

The guys nodded and smiled at them, "Your welcome noona".

Me and Yuna then walked with them to the door.

Yuna said, "We'll see you guys soon" she said while opening the door.

"Yeah, bye guys!" Said Sunoo.

We waved at them then they left the dorm.

I closed the door and said, "That's cool that they met the other unnies now".

"Yeah" Yuna said.

Our unnies then called us and said, "Yuna! Y/N! Food's ready!".

"Coming!" We both said then went to the kitchen.

End of POV

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