Chapter 2: The second meeting

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The next day~


Today, I'm going to my unnie's dorm. It's been a while since we last saw each other so I'm excited to see her again!

I entered her dorm building and went to the front desk.

I told Mrs. Jeong that I'm just going to visit my older sister.

Yes, Mrs. Jeong knows me since I used to come here alot in the past to visit my unnie and her friends.

Anyways, she said, "Ah okie, you can go up to her dorm room now".

"Okie, thank you Mrs. Jeong!" I said and waved at her.

She waved back then I went to the elevators.

I pressed the up button then waited for the elevator.

Few seconds later the doors opened, I then let the people out first before going in the elevator.

I went in and pressed the 5th floor and pressed another button for the doors to close.

But! I heard someone say, "Wait!".

I held the doors for it not to close and let the people in.

It was 3 boys.

They thanked me and I just smiled and nodded at them.

One guy was about to press the 5th floor button but since I already pressed it, he stopped.

He just pressed the button for the doors to close.

I glanced at them again and I swear, they look like the guys with the boy I met yesterday, Sunoo.

I shrugged it off and just stood beside them waiting for us to arrive at the 5th floor.

Once we arrived, the doors opened. They let me go out first, I thanked them and walked out the elevator.

I walked to my unnie's dorm room which is number 502.

I knocked on the door and a few seconds later I saw Yeji unnie. One of my unnie's dorm mates and best friends opened the door.

I said, "Yeji unnie!". "Y/N-ah! Come in!" She said.

I thanked her then I went inside their dorm.

I took my shoes off then followed Yeji unnie to the living room.

She said, "Girls! Y/N's here!".

After she said that, I saw Ryujin unnie, Lia unnie, Chaeryeong unnie and Yuna come out their bedrooms.

I don't call Yuna, unnie because we have the same age.

Plus she's actually just at the other section for our grade level.

You may be thinking why she's in a dorm already.

Well she told us that she just wants too, plus her family agreed to it. So yeah.

And how about me? Why haven't I moved in a dorm yet. Well, I'm planning to go move in a dorm as well, but not now. Maybe in a few months??

Anyways...oh! Yeah! As you could tell by now that we all go to the same school.

Actually all students who lives in this dorm and the other dorm buildings which is just a few blocks from here goes to our school as well.

Since the people who manages these dorm buildings are people from our school as well.

(The dorms are still in the school campus)

So yeah, that's enough explaining.

Anyways, Ryujin unnie ran towards me and hugged me, she said, "Y/N-ah! I missed you!!".

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