Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off. Nick grunted before slowly opening his eyes as I turned my alarm off.

I slowly started to sit up before nick grabbed my waist and pulled me back down to his arms. I laughed before speaking. "I have to get to work" nick grunted before hiding his face as he spoke "or you could just cuddle me all day"

I scoffed "cuddling you doesn't pay the bills dipshit" nick smirked as he looked at me and spoke "it can...."

I scoffed "but it won't" nick puffed out his bottom lip as I wiggled out of his grasp. I slowly grabbed my things as I spoke "can you drive me home?"

Nick nodded as he stood up and got ready to leave. I was still wearing nicks clothes as we left. Nick spoke. "Are you going to steal my clothes?"

I laughed and nodded "you can have them back when they stop smelling like you" nick smiled and nodded as we got in his car.

He drove me to my apartment I spoke as I got out of the car. "Thanks for the ride. Text me whenever you get so desperate to hang out with me" nick scoffed but I closed the door before he could speak.

As I walked into my apartment I got a text from nick.

*text convo*

Mystery man
I miss you

I just left....

Mystery man
I know.... but I miss you

I have to get ready for work

Mystery man
Why do you have to work....

So I don't ✨die✨

Mystery man

Cry bitch

Mystery man
Fuck off 😂

I seriously have to go now but I'll talk to you later?

Mystery man
Yeah, see ya

*end of text convo*

I got ready for work before leaving. My work day was as slow as usual when a familiar face walked in. It was clay....

He smiled as he walked up to the counter and spoke "nick didn't tell me you work here" I smiled "yeah? Well I've never seen you here before"

"I was running errands and was in the mood for some over priced coffee so now I'm here" he said with a laugh. I smiled back "well what can I get for you?"

He thought about it for a second before speaking "coffee with light creamer please" I nodded before putting in his order "is that all?"

Clay nodded "yep" I nodded "alright do you want me to put clay as the name?" He nodded "sure, clay is fine"

"Alright that'll be $4.99" clay handed me a $10 as he spoke "keep the change" I started making clays drink when Nick texted me. I laughed as I spoke to clay "nicks texting me..... he's onto us" clay laughed.

*the text*

Mystery man
Hey mommy, whatcha up to

*end of text*

Clay spoke "what did he say?" I smiled before turning my phone so clay could read the text. He fake gaged before speaking "gross"

I laughed "at least he gets bitches unlike you" clay scoffed "I get so many fucking bitches" I just laughed before speaking. "I'm gonna tell Nick I'm hanging out with one of my many bitches"

Clay laughed "let's take a picture together to show him." I smiled and nodded before taking a picture and sending it to Nick.

*text convo*

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