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It was sheer pain that shattered through your lower leg that brought your mind crashing into the land of reality. It was hot in the room, once so empty and dark now filled with bodies and weapons all pinned against the back of your neck as your chest heaved against the cold of the wooden living room floor.

You were just about to fall asleep mear minutes before the intrusion before the door was kicked out of its frame and your body was separated from Peter's. You had screamed in pain and discomfort but it was no use, whoever it was that was here wasn't giving in on letting you go.

"GET OFF OF HER!" Peter had yelped, but it was no use. Despite the fact that he was possibly strong enough to remove one man, he wasn't about to move three. "YOU'RE HURTING HER, PLEASE!"

Your cheek was flush against the wood of the floor, eyes scrunching closed as your body tried to block out the pain of the hands that where pinning you down and the ringing in your ears as they ordered for you to keep still in thick accents and rough tones. There was no way in hell you could worm your way out of this, whatever it was, you where completely pinned down against your own will.

"What do you want?!" you cried through puffed cheeks trying to move against the hand that was holding your head to the ground. The men were armed with weaponry and it took you a while to recognise they were a force of the government. What the hell where they doing here and what did they want with you and Peter?

"Alright men, take it easy"

Then came another voice, a woman's voice, ringing from the doorway.

"Stand her up," she commanded, and the men did as she had asked. Her hair was short, cut to the shoulders but non the less thick and rich blonde colour. Her eyes were a cold blue and her cheeks where flushed, decorated with light blush and her perfume was generously applied. She was dressed in a white shirt with a black jacket, matching pants and shiny shoes. "Y/N, isn't it?"

"What the fuck do you want?" you spat through clenched teeth, trying to manoeuvre your body to a more comfortable position with the hand resting under your chin, pushing against your throat and your hands where tied behind your back.

"Y/N L/N, I am arresting you on the count of manslaughter, you do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned-"


"something you later rely on in court-"

"PETER HOW COULD YOU?!" your cries were no use, she proceeded to talk over you and it wasn't long before you were being shifted out of the small apartment while Peter was kept behind and out of your sight. You trusted Peter with your life, how could he grass you up like that? He was the only one who knew what you were guilty of and he used it against you? He used you and then abused your trust.

He was just like everyone else, and that was going to be a hard pill to swallow.

Your feet soon gave in to the arms that were carrying you into the morning sunlight, the crisp breeze hitting your damp cheeks and teary eyes. Your body was limp but your heart was pounding fiercely, roaring in your chest like a lion yet your face showed nothing but defeat and mercy. There was too much blood on your hands to count for and there was nowhere else to hide - you'd been caught, and it seemed as though it was something you were just going to have to accept.

You were stood beside a van as they began to secure you, chaining your wrists and ankles together with bolt tight handcuffs and seating you in the back of the van where the windows were barred and blacked out. The hands that touched you were tough and nothing like Peter's that although in this time you would remember as being so soft and gentle. The way he had kissed you, touched you, caressed you and cradled you in such ways when you were blind to his intentions... You wished now that you had done something in return. Instead of sitting there frightened, you wished you had known, and then maybe you would have made the most of that moment. Kissed him back, met his hips as he thrust up against you, took in the warmth of his smiles even when you refused to return them, held his hand just a little tighter when he offered it to you...

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