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The redhead groaned, knowing that ear piercing squeal anywhere. Where it was coming from though? He was unsure. Silver stopped to look behind him, but was knocked down instead.

“What the hell was that for?! Can’t you say ‘hi’ like a normal human being?!” He growled, pushing the girl off of him.

“Aww, I’m sorry, Silvy.” Lyra frowned, sitting on her knees on the dirt path. “But I had exciting news to share with you!”

Silver stood up, dusting the dirt off his pants and jacket. “What the fuck was so important you had to throw yourself into me?” He snapped.

“Oh! Well, you know that Pokeathlon Dome? The one right outside of Goldenrod City? And they have all the—”

The red eyed boy groaned. “Yeah, yeah, get on with it.”

“They had a competition and the first place winner won tickets to go on a cruise to Unova! Doesn’t that sound exciting?” The girl excitedly explained.

“Fascinating.” The boy replied in a bored tone. “Are you trying to tell me you won?”


“Well fantastic. I don’t care.” Silver turned and started to walk away, leaving the girl on the ground.

“But Ethan won! Isn’t that cool?” She shouted to him, hoping to get her rival to stop.

“Don’t care!” He shouted back, not even stopping.

“Silvyyyyy! Come back! Don’t you want to see if we can go on a cruise?” Lyra whined, still not even bothering getting up.

“Nope!” Silver was getting further away, which finally got the brunette to get up and follow after the boy in black.

“Why not?” She continued to bother him in a pouty tone.

“I said I don’t care.” Silver replied, quickly getting more and more irritated.  

“But Ethan said—”

“I don’t care!” Silver yelled, interrupting Lyra. The pair stopped and Silver finally turned to face her. “I don’t give a shit, don’t you fucking understand? I don’t want to go on a cruise, I don’t want to be stuck on a boat with Ethan and a fuck ton of other people, don’t you get it?! I don’t give a shit unless if it has something to do with you!”



Both of their faces grew red as Silver’s words sunk in. He quickly started stuttering. “I-I didn’t—I d-don’t—u-uhm I meant—”

“Silver.” Lyra stated. Silver stopped his useless stammering and decided to listen (after all, she never uses his real name). “Do you like me?”

“W-What the fuck, I mean, well—”

Feeling bold, the brunette pressed her lips against Silver’s. His red eyes widened, not exactly knowing what to do. Before he could react, she pulled away.

“Well, Ethan has two tickets so—”

“Then why the hell did you come to me about that? If he only has two then why invite me?” Silver asked, his voice softer and gentler, despite his...colorful vocabulary.

“He gave me both of them and told me to go ask you to go with me!” Lyra smiled, holding the two tickets up. “So, how about it?”

“...Tch. Fine.” The boy was met with a hug from the girl, the girl he now could call his girlfriend.

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