A cute one-shot

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The lockdown started many months ago, and you are still on the quarantine. Today is your birthday. You hoped that it would be a sunny good day, but the Autumn decided the otherwise. You wake up and see clouds. It's raining cats and dogs outside - well, nothing unusual,  it's classic London. But fortunately you have a thing to be happy about (spolier: 2 things), and this thing actually caused you to wake up. You open your left eye a little bit just to see if you are right. Yes. He is laying in front of you running his fingers through your hair. His body is half covered with the blanket and so is yours. Deep brown eyes look at you with all kindness and happiness you could have ever imagined.

"You smell really nice"

He whispers and you try not to smile. Always makes your day a bit better. Obviously he noticed that you woke up and now he is playing his game

"I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.."

He stops for a second to think

"Baby Y/n doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby Y/n doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby Y/n"

He sings a baby-shark song with his deep and a little bit hoarse voice after a long sleep. You can't help it but chuckle

"Yeeeeey my baby is awake"

He smiles hugging you. All good memories are connected with this contact, with these arms, with this smell. You've gone through hell and heaven together, and none knows you better then he does. So apparently, it is not hard for him to make you happy.

"Will you let me rub your back?"

You moan in agreement, pooling away to sand up and to turn the light on, but his hand stops you.

"No, I'm not letting you go. It's too early to get of the bed. I'll do it"

Usually you wouldn't obey and just do what you want, but now it's different. He wears grey sweatpants and you follow him with your gaze.

- Should I bring something from kitchen?

He stops near the door after turning the light on

- Shush and go back to bed

He smirks and gently crawls under the covers, his cold feet touch your ankle

- God, but before you do what was promised I want you to get warm

You whisper cuddle him again. His head placed on your shoulder, his breath touches your skin.   Chocolate, rich-brown curls of his tickle your face.

-God  you are endearing when you are half asleep. I wish we could stay like this for ever

He mumbles, but you know it's impossible. You have something to tell him.

"Wait, don't get  up.. Not yet"

You try to sit but his hands keep you in the place.

- Tom, it's important

- What can be more important then you, darling?

- Trust me it can

He sits, looking at you amazedly.

- So.. Uh I'm really nervous

He puts a hand on your shoulder

- I'm here darling, everything is alright. Just say it

- I think you will get mad and.. I'm afraid of loosing you

Tears start forming your eyes

- Hey, look at me. You won't loose me, I don't think you can

You look up and although he says these words you see him being scared already.
- Um.. And you probably know that if a person has twins in their family, he or she can have twins kinds

- Yeah I do

- And you have Harry and Sam..

You shut your eyes tight not wanting to see his reaction, but some seconds after you open them a little. His eyes are bigger then ever. And slowly a little smile appears on his face.

- Do you.. *clearing his throat* Do you mean what I'm thinking about?

- Depends on what you are thinking

- You.. you are pregnant?

You nod. Suddenly you  feel that he stands up and the bed starts shaking. Your eyes go wide


Tom is jumping on the bed as start laughing nervously

"Tom, Tom, wait. We have two kids. They are twins."


He jumps pushing you onto the bed.

"Tom, I don't think we are ready for kids, we alredy have one"

He stops in shock.

-What? Who?

-You, dork

he spent some seconds thinking about something.

"If I'm a baby, then you are my baby-girl"

he grinned offering you his arm to help you to get to the bed.

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