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Dabi POV

I woke up to someone screaming at me and I forced myself to be quiet , moving means punishment . I heard the voice screaming at me and I heard someone tell the voice to 'shut the fuck up ' and a hand touched me . I jumped off the sofa and tried to run but I felt immense pain in my ankle and fell to the ground . I started to panic when someone tried to grab me , I used my little body to squeeze myself into a space where they couldn't reach me that led to outside .

I felt like a hand was squeezing my throat and twisting my guts at the same time. I tried to get the hand off my neck but I wouldn't budge . My vision was going dark and thought I was going to pass out until I saw a dog sniffing the ground . I squeezed myself outside and approached the dog , the feeling of the hand around my throat went away a little , not completely . The dog growled and snapped at me and I stopped and fell to the ground remembering the dog I saw that one day that was trying to hurt Natsuo. I still have the scars all over from that dog .

I was far in my memories and didn't see or hear the dog approaching until I felt a cold nose on my neck . I jumped at the sudden coldness and I heard the dog's tail thumping on the ground . I looked up and saw the dog staring at me with his tongue sticking out at me . I heard the door open and heard footsteps running to me and someone in a mask tried to grab me .

I started to panic and I guess the dog sensed it somehow and jumped in front of me and bit the person's hand as a warning . I got up slowly and started to run it hurt like hell but ti me this was a life or death situation. The dog ran next to me and snapped at the people that tried to grab me , I ran and ran and ran until I couldn't any more . Me and the dog ran into a cave and stayed there for a good 5 hours we heard footsteps pass us and yelling , i also heard that shrilly voice from before , it reminded me of Father. 

Speaking of Father , where is he , shouldn't I be in training working by butt of to protect Shouto , he was only five for gods sake . 

" hey doggy , my names Touya " i said to the dog , he replied with a ' woof ' . 

" Can i touch you ? " i asked as I put my hand out , the dog shot his head out and snapped at me '. I scooted to the farthest corner of the cave and curled into a ball so it seems like I'm not trying to hurt the dog . I didn't like acting so submissive but sometimes it was just best , it was beaten into me and now all I acted was submissive . It didn't feel right when it was a dog I was submitting too .

 The dog had to make up his mind , first he's happy then he's snapping at me ' I thought .  

The dog came up to me and sniffed my hair and them tried to eat it . " Hey, don't eat my hair !" i said giggling a little to loudly . 

I froze when i heard several footsteps stop by the entrance of the cave and I shoved myself into the corner and stayed quiet .  A purple misty figure came into the cave as well some other people , I froze even more when his ( It's ? ) eyes locked into mine , He approached me slowly and I had to bite back a whimper that threatened to come out and started shaking .  He crouched down beside me and said something to me , I ignored him though , people don't talk to failures .     

Word count - 679 

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