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Yuki's POV:

I was walking to the bus stop when I heard a familiar voice calling my name.
I quickly turned around and saw someone familiar.
"Una! You're taking the bus today?"

Una nodded "yeah my mom is sick and she can't take me to school today..."
"Oh...well I hope she gets better soon." I said.
"Mhmm! Hey do you know where the bus is?" Una asked.
"Oh uhh let me check" I took out my phone, I know I'm not supposed to take it to school but I do it anyway, besides it's not like I use it during class. I opened a bus tracker app I installed on my phone for school. I could feel Unas stares as she looked over my shoulder. It's not like I cared though, besides, Una and I are good friends, we have been since i was in the second grade.
Thats... what makes me upset, I know Una would have to leave elementary school soon. It is halfway through the school year and my only friends are Una and Rana. Una is a grade above me, so Una helps me out a lot.

"It looks like it's arriving in 5 minutes-ish" I said.
"okay!" Una said eagerly.
I noticed 2 figures right across the street from us.
"Una? Do you know them?" I asked.
"eehhhhh???" Una looked at to where I was pointing.
Across from us was 2 young looking kids. They looked almost... like siblings? But not exactly. One looked more feminine than the other, but they both looked like... 'girls'! One of them noticed us staring at them. She had pink hair that faded to blue , the other had blue hair in a braid. The pink haired one waved at me and I quickly turned away in embarrassment.

"Yuki look over there!" Una exclaimed.
She pointed at the street, jumping eagerly "look the bus is coming the bus is coming!!"
Una is an energetic girl, but I don't understand why she's so excited to get on the bus?
The bus arrived at its stop. I let una in front of me, she quickly hopped on the bus and I followed her. I looked out from the bus window the 2 girls crossing the street. Una chose an empty seat that wasn't exactly upfront, but it wasn't at the back of the bus either. She stood and signaled for me sit, so I did. I sat down, taking  the seat next to the window. I looked out the window again and noticed the 2 'girls' were missing.

"Huh-?" I said
"hmm? What's wrong Yuki?" Una asked me.
"Nothing it's just, the two 'girls' we sa-"
Una then proceeded to interrupt me
"Hey aren't those the 2 'girls' we saw across the street! Woah they're new students at our school!"
"HUH?!" I peeked out from my seat, standing up slightly. Both of the 'girls' were here?! On the bus?!
They both took a moment to talk to the bus driver, probably explaining that they were new. I kept staring, they were both wearing uniforms. But by the way they were wearing them... made me think it wasn't. They just gave off some sort of vibe. I noticed both of them were wearing some ribbons in there hair. I found it kind of odd that they were wearing horns and fingerless gloves, but in a way.. I like it, it looks cool.

I continued watching them, both of them decided to sit up in the front. This time, I wasn't noticed. I sighed and sat back down.

Una and I talked about random things and before we knew it, we have arrived at school. Una didn't have breakfast this morning, so I decided to accompany her to the cafeteria. Even though I already ate breakfast I didn't want to leave Una feeling lonely. Being lonely is the worst, especially when you're eating. I should know, I hate loneliness. The school served us biscuits and some orange juice. It wasn't bad to say the least, but it could be better.
I noticed a tap on my shoulder, I turned around. No one was there, I could see Una containing her laughter on the seat across me. Oh but of course, who else could it be?
"Kiritan I know it's you"
"Aw man" Kiritan pouted "Yuki you're not fun"Kiritan placed her backpack on the floor and sat on the seat next to me.
"Yeah whatever" I said.
Kiritan was one of Una's close friends. I have to say, I'm jealous. Kiritan and Una are in the same grade, this means they'll both graduate at the same time from here. Then it'll just be me and Rana. Not that there's anything wrong with Rana.
"Are you gonna eat that? Can I have it?" Kiritan asked.
"No it's okay, here you can take it. I already ate this morning."
"Sweet!" I watched Kiritan take the biscuit from my tray. I slowly drank my orange juice, I noticed Una was almost done eating so
I started cleaning up. Sure, I didn't make such big of a mess since I didn't eat but I just felt like it. Soon, I walked out of the cafeteria with Una and Kiritan.
"I'll see you later Yuki! Byeee!!!" Una proceeded to wave.
"Yeah, see you." I waved back at her and watched Kiritan and Una walk away together.
I sighed and headed towards the 4th grade hall.
I walked down the hall until I reached my classroom, I took a step inside.
"Good morn—-"
huh..? Why is everyone crowded against a desk? not to mention, it's a desk nobody uses.
I walked over to the crowded desk, and to my surprise...
"Oh!You're the girl from my bus stop!" A voice said
h— EHHH?? All of the sudden, all the attention was pointed towards me. Everyone made space, and then I could see it clearly. It was the pink haired 'girl' from my bus stop. Seeing her up close made me realize why she's getting so much attention, that orrr just because she's new. All of the sudden Rana nudged my shoulder. "She's cute isn't she, Yuki?" She said with an innocent smile. Rana was in the same class as me, which made me feel not-so lonely.
"yeah" I said in a monotone-ish voice.
"ah.. actually" the pink haired 'girl' said.
"I'm not exactly a 'she'.."


"IM SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME" Rana said as she cried and got on her knees. Rana is extremely overdramatic, but that's just her way of being.
"Nono it's okay please don't cry! Here.." I watched as our new classmate take out a handkerchief and hand it to Rana. "Please take it!" They said.
"Oh you didn't have to do that" Rana exclaimed. "But.. thanks" Rana gave them a wide smile.
"It's Yuki, right?" They said suddenly.
"Your name, it's Yuki. Right?"
"oh right umm...i.."
I don't usually talk to people aside from Una, Rana and Kiritan so this... was a struggle.
"My name is Kaai Yuki."
"Nice to meet you! I'm Hime, Meika Hime!"
"That's really cute.."
Hime tilted her head at me in confusion.
"y-you know because Hime means Princess in Japanese? Y'know ahahaha—"


eh? Were they laughing, with me or... at me?
Hime looked at me
"OH sorry I wasn't laughing at you it's just-"


"nnnevermind" Hime said this with a sus expression.

"Bu—" but before I could finish my sentence.

"Good mooorning class!"
And That's when everyone around me screamed
"Goodmorning Mr.Hiyama!"

Mr. Hiyama is a nice teacher sure, but he doesn't acknowledge me as much as the other students. Favoritism my a—- oh wait I can't say that.
"Students! As you can all see we have a new classmate here with us, Hime please step up front."

I watched as Hime walked to the front of the class. It's half-way through the school year, I wonder why Hime and their sibling decided to transfer here now..?

Whatever the reason may be, things might be getting interesting from here..

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