Muse to my ears

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[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Phoebe is cutting up some vegetables. Cole walks in.]

Cole: Hey, where is everyone?

(Phoebe rips off her apron to reveal a tight black dress.)

Phoebe: Surprise!

Cole: You look beautiful.

Phoebe: Thank you. (She picks up two glasses of wine and hands one to Cole.) I sent everyone away. So we could celebrate.

Cole: What are we celebrating?

Phoebe: Cole, you're finally fully human. No more demon half means no more obstacles for our relationship. Yay us. (She clinks their glasses and takes a sip. Cole doesn't.) Uh, that was a toast and usually after the clinking part you take a little sip.

Cole: I don't know if sending your sisters away was a good idea. I don't have powers anymore and I can't protect you if there's an attack.

Phoebe: Well, my sisters are in calling range and more importantly, I am in kissing range.

(She kisses his neck. He stops her.)

Cole: Phoebe, you don't seem to understand that with the Source injured, you might be in more danger than ever before.

Phoebe: Well, you don't seem to understand that sometimes a girl needs a night off. Now please, is there anything that I can do, (She kisses his neck.) to help you relax?

(She kisses his cheek.)

Cole: Well, that helps, a little. Maybe you should keep doing that. (He stops her again.) It's just that without a strong leader, there's energy in the Underworld.

Phoebe: Wow, you're a sweet talker.

Cole: Demons who would normally compete for the Source's favour...

Phoebe: Will start banning together to try to take out the Source. Honey, you told me this part already.

Cole: But I'm not sure you get it. Demons hoping to replace the Source will gather factions of followers, and what better way to gain support for your faction, than to kill the infamous Charmed Ones. (The oven timer goes off.) I'll get that. (He goes over to the oven and pulls out a hot dish. He quickly puts it down.) Ah, ow! Damn it! Oh!

(Phoebe goes over to him.)

Phoebe: Is it bad? I could call for Leo.

Cole: No, no. No, it's fine. I used to be able to hold fire in the palms of my hands.

Phoebe: We vanquished half of you. That's a huge adjustment. But I promise, you'll figure it out. We'll figure it out together.

(She hugs him.)

Cole: I'm serious about the factions, Phoebe. If demons join forces...

Phoebe: I promise you I'll worry about the factions first thing in the morning, but for now, I want us to join forces.

(They kiss.)

[Scene: The next morning. Manor. Kitchen. Piper's on the phone and making a cup of coffee.]

Piper: Uh, okay, Bev, if that's what you really want. Bev, take yes for an answer. I'll get back to you. (She hangs up and heads for the table. Phoebe and Pandora walk in and takes Piper's coffee and sits down.) Uh, that was the last of the coffee.

(She takes a sip.)

Phoebe: I've had coffee, this is not coffee. Have you seen Cole?

Piper: Uh, he went out. He said he had some errands to run.

charmed power of four season 4Where stories live. Discover now