🌧️💔🌧️Angsty Angsty Day 🌧️💔🌧️

262 1 158

Tw: everything related to self harm.. Don't read far if you feel uncomfortable. I warn. Don't go far 

"Have you been cutting your wrists?.."

"Don't pull that trigger!"

"Give me the gun!"

"Hand over the knife!"

"Don't jump!"

"Pull your neck from under that rope!"

"Please.. let me take you to a hospital!

"Please don't consume that poison!"

"No... Don't edge any more near that cliff..."

"Get down from there!"

"Stop harming yourself!"

"Don't you dare swallow those pills!"

"Don't drink that!"

"There's So much more to live for!"

"Have you eaten today?"

"Hey, you know I'm trying to help. Work with me here."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on."

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