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Sasha woke up to the sound of an alarm ringing, groaning she snuggles and hugs her pillow which was so warm and comfortable. She feels something soft touch her head making her smile until all of it comes rushing back to her and she opens her eyes to find two strong muscular arms wrapped around her waist.

They had slept in each other's arms last night without changing and Jaehyun felt happy cuddling her petite frame. He had woken up before her because his manager had called him asking him to wake up and let him know that he was aware about the girl who currently laid on his chest.

Jaehyun had never hid anything from his manager hyung, he told him everything he felt as they knew each other since his rookie days, he had also shared how he felt about her and as his friend he was happy for him yet worried at the same time but he knew that Jaehyun wasn't someone who could be taken advantage of easily.

After ending the call he turned to see how adorable she looked while sleeping, he liked how she was so tiny in size that he could easily lift her into his arms whenever he liked but most importantly his mind went back to the kiss they shared yesterday.

His hand traced his lips, the feeling of her soft ones still lingered on them and he smiled remembering as how she allowed him to take that action.

He knew he wasn't alone who felt something towards her but he still felt re-assured because of what happened yesterday. He was ready to take a chance and fight for this, for once he wanted to be selfish and put his happiness first.

His phone alarm rang breaking him out of his thoughts and he saw her groaning and cuddle more onto his chest, smiling he placed a kiss on her head and saw how she smiled when he did that that.

Sasha looked up and found him staring back at her warmly which at first made her blush but he lifted her head back up and captured her lips with his once again making the girl melt against him. When they pulled away she blushed and quickly ran out of his arms and into the bathroom making him laugh at her shyness.

After a minute or two she came out still looking red as ever and the word cute left the boy's lips making her turn more red but then she realized and looked up.

"Oh my god you're gonna get late. I'll go okay first okay? I don't want you to get in trouble." She spoke so fast that it made him chuckle and make his way to where she was standing.

"Hey I have a lot of time don't worry and have breakfast and go."

"I'm afraid I can't stay till then I have to go back and open the studio today. But I'd like to talk for five minutes about us."

They both sat down on the bed, although he wanted to just pull her into his lap but he didn't. He nodded her to talk and she told him that yes she kinda liked him but she was still a little unsure of some her feelings and felt that it wasn't fair to him. So she wanted some time and also get to know him better which would be a little difficult but he said he was willing to try if she was and she nodded that she would.

She also said that she didn't want to tell the members anything that happened between them until they were both sure to which he agreed to.

It was getting time for her to leave and even though she wanted to say goodbye to everyone sadly she couldn't so he assured her he'll let them know and they will understand. He gives her a hug and tell her to drive safe and let him know when she reached home.

"And oh give me the address of your studio I'll stop by when we come next week." So she did and left.

Johnny noticed Sasha leaving out his room and was about to call her when he saw her practically running and then Jaehyun came out to see her and laughed at her before his eyes met with the older boy. He asked why was she rushing off like that to which the younger told that she had to get back for work which made the older sigh but nod as he missed the opportunity to say bye.

Jaehyun observed him and he knew that he had his eyes on her as well but he was happy that he was one step closer to her then he was.

The other members were bummed as well but they understood and prepared for a yet another concert.

The other members were bummed as well but they understood and prepared for a yet another concert

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