Happy Birthday Egpyt

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Ariah POV

Today is august 28th the day my beautiful baby girl came into the world I can't believe she's three already that's so crazy but today is all about her

Michael POV

Today is my baby girl birthday we get to celebrate it together even though mine is tomorrow but this is a special moment for us both

Egypt came out in her dress with her hair down Michael couldn't help but get emotional

Michael: She's so beautiful

Ariah: I know

He took her picture and now it was time to get the party started

Everyone came to celebrate Egypt big day as she was turning three years old it's crazy how fast these kids grow right before your eyes

Michael And Egypt get to celebrate their birthday together each year and it was a wonderful feeling to have cause Michael birthday is tomorrow he couldn't wait to celebrate it with his daughter again

Next Morning

Ariah POV

Today is Michael birthday the kids were so excited we couldn't wait to surprise him when he walks through the door Egypt was most excited her birthday was yesterday and now it's Michael birthday they get to celebrate it again together

Michael POV

Today is my birthday I can't wait to celebrate it with my children I wonder what they have plan for me today I couldn't wait

His whole family wished him a happy birthday they knew he was excited about celebrating it with his daughter again it was going to long and special day for him

Ariah: ok let's go surprise him

The kids walked out the door with their mother heading over to Michael to surprise him he was in for a surprise visit from them

A Minute Later

Ariah POV

Michael mother knew we were here to surprise him on his birthday the kids were so excited so we waited out back where the water fountain is at

Michael POV

I was in the kitchen until my mother said there is a surprise for me outside ahh I wonder what it is ...So I came outside and I was so surprised but I felt the love ahhh

Michael came outside after he finished talking to Janet that's when the kids and ariah surprised


Michael: Ahh thank you guys

The kids gave him the biggest hug and they sat down they were excited about him opening their gifts

He loved their gifts that they brought for him now it was ariah turn

Ariah: this one is mine I waited til your birthday to give it to you

Michael unwrapped it and it was picture of them together as a family

Michael: this is beautiful thank you

Ariah: you're welcome

He gave her a kiss on the cheek he absolutely loved it

He spent time with his family on his birthday and it was truly an amazing birthday to celebrate with his family

End of the day

Ariah POV

Michael had a wonderful birthday with the children now we are heading home and wished him a goodnight

Michael POV

I had the best birthday ever with my children it was the best birthday ever but now they are heading home

Ariah and the kids were heading home for tonight it was getting late

Michael will see them tomorrow they had rehearsal anyway it was going to be a long day for Michael

He was a very active person and liked to work he couldn't sit still for any

Michael had a wonderful birthday with his baby girl it was truly special and one to remember

The children absolutely love Michael being their father

Next Morning

Ariah POV

The children were playing having a wonderful time together Egypt enjoyed her fathers birthday yesterday I can tell Michael felt the love from the children while they were together on Michael birthday it was truly a special moment for everyone ...that's when the phone ringer Michael called them asking them if they wanted to go to the water park or even Disneyland they were so excited

Michael POV

I called the kids and asked if they wanted to go to the water park or even Disneyland they were so excited

So they all met at the water park then are heading to Disney

The boys were so excited about going down the water slide the boys were laughing and having a good Time together

Michael held Egypt hand as she was getting close to the water she enjoyed the splashing of the water and it made her laugh a little bit ...After the water park they came to change and came to Disneyland

Michael POV

We made it to Disneyland after the kids were so excited

They got their tickets and it was time to have some fun ...Ariah loved seeing her children happy

Eden And Bryce both saw Peter Pan and Donald Duck they wanted a picture with them

Michael snapped their picture they were so cute Peter Pan was their favorite

It was going to be a long day for the kids they were having so much fun at Disneyland with their parents it was a photo booth so they all came in and got their picture taken as a family

Then ariah and Michael took one alone it came out pretty good they loved the pictures

Ariah: It's time for lunch

Egypt held her fathers hand and they came to lunch it was a long day

They were heading towards the exit and Bryce ran behind them Michael looked back as he was holding Egypt hand

Eden And his Mother were laughing and talking about how much he's had with them it made Ariah happy to see all her children happy

It was beginning to get a little nippy outside so they were on their way home

Michael had a wonderful time with them today he glade the children enjoyed themselves he knew they were going to have a good summer before school starts back

After a long day everyone came home and went to bed

Next chapter is coming

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