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Michael POV

Me and the children came to legoland it's still the summer time Eden and Bryce were so happy to be here I did promise them I would bring them here when I have time off so today was the day

Ariah POV

Michael brought the kids to lego land Egypt loved playing with boy toys instead of her toys which is ok cause I did the same thing when I was her age the boys were so excited Michael always keeps promises to the kids now that he's off it's time to have some fun

They walked into lego land and the boys were so happy and excited

Family time is the most important thing in the world so make the most of it

Egypt was worried about eating her snacks and watching her brothers play around

Michael was sitting down building a lego castle with his sons

After that they came to sea world I'm San Diego Egypt loved looking at the Dolphins and she started to laugh when she got splashed dolphins were playful animals and entertain you as well

Next Day

Ariah POV

Eden Bryce and Egypt had a wonderful time yesterday it's great seeing them laugh and talk my babies are growing up

Michael POV

Ahh yesterday was such a wonderful day I love seeing my children laughing and having a good time they're growing up so fast

Kids grow right before your eyes and it's crazy

The children wanted to see their father they were so happy to see him

Egypt was deep in thought and Michael came to sit next to her not knowing he was about to get terrified ...Egypt was having a seizure


Her brothers came up to her and held her head

Eden: Somebody get a cold rag

Bryce: Dad bring her some water and trash can

He went to go get it and came back he was crying

Eden: Dad you have to calm down it'll only make things worse

Bryce was calming Michael down and told him to take deep breaths Her brothers knew what to do

Eden: ok she's fine

It only lasted for a few seconds and she was fine

Bryce and Eden took her to bed for her to relax and sleep ...Michael was worried but he had to remain calm he didn't want to make things worse

An Hour Later

Michael POV

I came to check on Egypt she was still asleep I was worried about her

As she was asleep she woke up and saw her dad

Egypt: Daddy

Michael: yes

Egypt: I'm ok

Michael: I know I'm just glade that you're ok

Egypt went back to sleep and Michael put the covers over and gave her a kiss

Michael: I love you sleep well

He closed the door and the boys came to see if he was ok they were so brave and knew what to do

Michael: thanks you gave are her hero's

Bryce: we know we done it multiple times before she knows and feels when it coming

Michael had to do research about her seizures now he called her mother to tell her that she had a seizure

Ariah: she gets it from my side of the family but thankfully the boys knew what do

Michael: yes i was so scared but they told me I had to stay calm or I'll make it worse

Ariah: yes that true cause if you panic then she'll panic make things worse but she'll be fine just check on her ...Her doctor should be there soon

Michael: ok thanks

Ariah: your welcome

There was a knock on the door it was her doctor she checked Egypt while she was asleep the doctor told her father that she was fine but the doctor gave him a bracelet to put on her let her teachers and doctors know that she has seizures she has to wear it everyday

Michael thanked the doctor and was so happy to hear that Egypt was ok he will make sure that she wear her bracelet

Next Day

Michael POV

I was keeping a close eye on Egypt I was so worried about her yesterday the nurse said she's fine she was a fighter when it came to her health I'm just so happy that she's ok

Michael was so happy that Egypt was ok his only daughter She was running around and laughing

A Week Later

Michael POV

Egypt nurse came to check up on her to see how she's doing so far with her seizure I have been doing a lot of research about it

Egypt: Daddy can we play hide and seek

Michael: yes

They came to play hide and seek it was a good time it was a lot of fun

Eden: Daddy look I found a bunny

Bryce and Egypt came up to him it was the most cutest bunny ever

Michael: do you guys want to keep it

Bryce: yes

Michael: ok what do you want to name him

Egypt: Baxter

Michael: ok that's a wonderful name

The kids were so happy and that's all Michael cared about was making them happy and seeing them smile he didn't like to see them Upset or sad cause he gets sad when they're sad

Ariah knew that the kids were Michael everything they made life was so brighter since he met them there's never a day where he is not around them or spends time with

Michael Was going back on tour and he was going to be gone for six months he was sad about leaving the kids but he had to work he will always keep in contact with them

Michael came home to pack cause they were leaving tomorrow and he was sad that he won't the kids for six months

It was the next morning And the kids gave Michael the biggest hug ever they will miss him so much

Michael: I miss you guys so much

Ariah: Tell daddy goodbye see you soon

Egypt didn't want to let her dad go but she knew he had to go and she gave him a special gift he said goodbye to them and they were off michael was so sad

Next chapter is coming

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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