3: Game

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Hyunjin pov

"Agh sorry Chan"

I quickly turn around to face the elder. We were cooking together, but I accidentally elbowed him in the stomach. The blonde coughs and puts his hands on the place I hit him. "It's fine.. Eugh.. My organs.. Get a doctor.."

I roll my eyes and slap the man. This morning, when I entered this house, he was my idol. Now he is more like a friend I would soon fuck with. He is my boyfriend now, technically. And here I am, making sarcastic remarks to my idol-boyfriend-friend. Things change so easily. "Very funny. Ha. Ha. Ha. You actually scared me!"

Chan coos and backhugs me. "Awh were you worried about me, Juney?"
My butt wiggles against the elder's hips as I do a little dance while cooking. Honestly we aren't making anything too spectacular, but fried rice with chicken and greens can also be delicious.
"Of course I was worried! I'd be in a lot of trouble if I actually got you hurt..."

Chan chuckles and pulls me closer against himself. I take a moment to revel in his warm hold, a small yelp leaving my mouth when his hands sneak under my shirt. We filled the following minutes with some small talk, I adjusted the camera -which, I then realized, was not in a very pleasant angle- and Chan fed me some chicken. As I chew on the bite I feel the hand on my waist move down.

The movement was sneaky, but not at all like he tries to hide it. I smile and feel my face heat up slightly as Chan's hand rested between my legs. I look at the camera with a smiley sigh. "See, stays? This is the kind of man Au-c really is. A bad, BAD man."

Chan giggles and gives my dick a squeeze. I hear his smirk in his voice as he leans his chin on my shoulder and speaks softly. "..I can be much worse if you want me to be.."
Nononononono I can't go weak and mushy. Not now. Not. Now.

Yes now.
"Oh? Then what would you do to me? I bet you don't have the balls to try more right now~"
Stupid bitch. Of course he does, and will. Gosh I'm gonna be in trouble.. Wait... I don't mind that...
"Don't I?" Chris still smiles as his hand moves from my waist to my chest, softly circling my nipple. His right hand is still on my dick, gently palming me through the fabric.

I already have to suppress a groan as his lips move onto my neck. Chan's tongue moves over my jaw before he speaks again. "Why are you continually attempting to try and test me, Juney? If you want me to be harsh with you, or do more, you can also just ask it, y'know" I gasp when the elder's hand suddenly pushes up, slightly pressing my dick in the movement.

He continued teasing me until I finished my fried eggs, the last part of the dish. Chan had been chatting with the present stays in the meantime, but I wasn't really keeping up with their conversation. I turn off the stove and put aside my pan.

Apparently just in time.

"On your knees, sweetheart." Chan's voice sounds smooth like velvet, but has a playfulness that almost makes me doubt if he's just joking. I look at him with big eyes, and try to read his face. The blonde runs a hand through my hair and leans closer. He connects our lips for a moment before quietly speaking to only me.

"...trust me, Hyunjinnie.. I had a little talk with the stays, and it won't just be fun.. if we do just this you'll probably be able to buy the phone you talked about last week..." I nearly choke on air at his words, but quickly nod and kiss him again. When we split, he whispers one last thing. "..I'm gonna be a bit rough, but you don't mind that, right Juney?"

I came on the spot.


"..not in the slightest, daddyy~" this was the last thing I could say, for my knees got pulled out from under me, making me drop to the floor. I quickly make sure I'm sitting well for the elder. On my knees; hands resting on my thighs; looking up at him with raised chin and big eyes.

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