4: Water

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Hyunjin pov

"..Juney... Wake up baby.." Chan's soft voice sounds as something warm moves onto my shoulder. I slowly open my eyes and realize my face isn't on the pillow I fell asleep on last night. I take a deep breath in and use this moment to smell Chris' body without deodorant or cologne.

So he's beautiful, kind, and smells good in the morning? Life is so unfair...

"..mm.. morning Chan.." I kiss his chest, which turned out to be the thing I'm laying on, and wrap my arms around his torso. Chris caresses my hair and squeezes my waist. "good morning, love. Sorry to wake you up, baby, but I don't want you to have to rush to get to the next boyfriend." He smiles as he pulls the blanket further over my shoulders. I nod against his skin and sigh.

"...I'm not too sore.." I smile as I slowly get up. "wait..." I check the setup on Chan's nightstand again before looking back at Chris. "You haven't turned on the live yet?"

The blonde raises an eyebrow and tilts his head to the side. "no.. Was I supposed to?" I quickly shake my head and sit on the man's legs, straddling his thighs. "n-no, but you were calling me petnames... and being so sweet.. so I dunno, I thought you probably turned the live on already.."

Chan laughs softly. His hands move onto my thighs as a soft smile decorates his features. "You think I did that for stays? Hyunjinnie, you slept in my arms last night with the camera off. No no no, baby, I treat you like this because I want to~ And you ARE a baby" The warm hands move over my hips onto my waist, holding on tightly. I quickly lean forward to turn on the camera and the live, to hide my red face from the elder.

The levels are reset. The countdown for the live starts, and I lean forward to connect our lips. Chan's hands still sit on my waist, squeezing the skin gently. My hands automatically move to his jaw, cupping his face. Chris' left hand slides up my spine until it's under my shoulderblades. He takes control of the kiss with ease, without overpowering me. I arch my back and press myself against the man below me.

I already hear the first donations coming in, making me worry about what level I'll reach before I'm even at the next colleague. My lips move onto Chris' neck and I spread my legs further. "Juney..." His voice is hoarse and low. Chan's head tilts back to expose more of his throat. I smile and lick a line over his neck. "Good morning, Chris." I bite the sensitive skin and admire the red mark it leaves. It makes me wonder how a hickey would look on the beautiful pale skin.

My lips move further down, exploring his chest. I bite my bottom lip and crawl back up to face the Australian. His veins are already bulging out, and his ears tint bright red. In the morning light I can enjoy all this more than I could yesterday. Also because I'm less nervous with him now. Our eyes meet after Chan's lingered on my lips.

"Daddy.. may I mark you..?"

A soft groan passes Chan's lips before he gropes my waist. "..Sure..." I go back down and right away bite into his chest's soft skin. My eyes close as I focus on the hickey. Chan's hands move to my shoulders, holding on just the slightest bit. I continue sucking the skin until I'm sure it'll stay for the coming days. I let go of the skin and sit up straight, making the blanket fall off me. Chan sits up and presses his lips against my stomach.

"June, can I?" Chan looks up to meet my eyes. His hands already found their way back to my waist. I nod and tangle my fingers in the blonde's messy curls. "..Please" The man pulls me closer to him and bites down onto my abdomen. I glance at the camera before leaning my head forward to watch Chan.

I gasp when he bites down harder. Out of reflex I pull on his hair, receiving a soft groan. Chan pulls back, appreciates the mark he left on me as it forms further and he licks over the red skin. After pressing a kiss on the spot, he looks up at me. "We should shower, baby. I feel stinky and we both got pretty sweaty yesterday."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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