Chapter 10

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As Zayn handed the needed cash to the taxi driver, he sighed deeply. The cab rides and train tickets he had spent on over the last three days summed up to his entire Christmas budget. Without it, he wouldn’t be able to afford any present for Mezi, and yet, as he turned, reaching out for Mezi’s arm, standing in front of a modest house, he couldn’t bring himself to regret his decision.

The house was exactly what Zayn had anticipated, simple but charming, Christmas lights twinkling along the roof top as a layer of snow covered the grass. There was an old beat up car in the driveway, tread tracks leading onto the street looking freshly done. Lights from inside the home shun through the windows, indicating a sign of life as Zayn pulled Mezi along his side, up the driveway until he stood before the front door.

For a second, being here, in Liam’s home town, on his parent’s doorstep felt like a horrible idea but Mezi was obviously of a different opinion. Smiling brightly, the boy raised his bandaged hand, frowning to himself before turning sideways, knocking on the door with his elbow.

“Mezi,” warned Zayn, kneeling down to lift the boy into his arms, tapping his nose in reprimand. “We don’t knock like that, it’s rude.”

“Sorry,” mumbled the boy, looking everything but apologetic. “I wanna see Liam.”

Before Zayn could answer, the door opened, revealing a blond woman with a soft, tired smile, something elegantly motherish about her stance. “Hello,” she said, her voice almost melodic as her eyes fell on Zayn and Mezi, her grin widening knowingly. “How can I help you two?”

“I’m sorry to disturb you Ma’am,” started Zayn, his heart beating furiously as he tightened his hold around Mezi’s waist. “I’m looking for Liam Payne.”

“You must be Zayn,” she breathed, eyes shining with unshed tears as a hand came to cover her mouth, a quiet sigh clouding the frigid winter air. “And that must be Mezrhad, Oh god please come in. I’m Karen, Liam’s mother.”

Stepping aside, the woman escorted Zayn in, pushing a bulky suitcase out of the way.

“I don’t mean to bother you,” Zayn said, feeling out of place but a comforting hand was soon wrapped around his bicep, interrupting him.

“You’re not,” replied Karen, a wobbly smile on her face. “You’re family.”

Forcing a smile, Zayn swallowed around the lump in his throat, watching attentively as Mezi stretched out his bandaged hand to shake Karen’s own delicate one.

“Where’s my Liam?” asked the boy, and the woman only laughed in response, a genuine chuckle that almost seem misplaced on her tired features.

“He’s at the hospital,” Karen said, her body language suddenly tight as she reached for her winter coat, slipping into it. “Harry called, told me that you’d be on your way. I figured I should come home, pack some things for Geoff until you arrived. Liam will be so happy to see you.”

“Does he know?” Zayn questioned, following the woman without question when she opened the front door again, dragging the luggage behind her. She allowed Zayn out before locking the door, indicating for Mezi and him to get in the car with her.

“He doesn’t,” sighed Karen, starting the car swiftly when Mezi was tied at the back, Zayn sitting up front by her side. “My boy is a stubborn mule and whatever happened between you two, he refused to say. I assumed it wasn’t my place to announce your arrival if Harry called me, rather than Liam.”

Unable to answer, Zayn found himself silent as he watched the late afternoon sun disappear into the night, the last sunrays reflecting brightly along the snow.

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