Chapter 5

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Zayn was awoken to warm hands gliding along his naked stomach, curling around his hip as he felt himself being moved easily, curling into a strong, muscular body. He could smell Liam’s familiar cologne as he buried his nose in the man’s chest, inhaling deeply as Liam chuckled.

“Good morning,” Liam whispered, voice sounding like a melody to Zayn’s ears as he stretched lazily, the sheets falling from his body.

“Morning,” mumbled Zayn, cuddling even closer as he wrapped an arm around Liam’s waist, sighing contently. “What time is it?”

“Bit after 7,” replied Liam, his fingers twitching as he let them trailed down Zayn’s naked back, teasing the dimples that sat just above his ass. “He’s still sleeping, if you’re wondering.”

Zayn hummed in response, glad he could enjoy the moment for a few more minutes before Mezrhad woke up, demanding his attention.

“It snowed,” Liam said after a minute of silence, his voice filled with a childish glee that had Zayn smiling. “D’you think I could take Mezi out to build a snowman?”

Unable to stop himself, Zayn rolled over onto his back, a bubbly laugh resonating through the room. “I’m naked in bed and all you can think about is taking my son out to build a snowman,” whined Zayn, looking up at Liam with a smirk. “I should be offended but I really can’t be.”

A pink tint spread across Liam’s cheeks as he shrugged, moving quickly to straddle Zayn, pinning his arms above his head.

“Don’t laugh at me,” grinned Liam, a look of mock offence on his face as he leaned down, nibbling his way along Zayn’s jaw, rolling his hips which had Zayn sighing in pleasure.

“I think he’d love to build a snowman with you,” Zayn conceded when Liam’s tongue started tracing the lines of his tattoos, making his moan lewdly.

Suddenly, loud music resonated through the walls of the bedroom, almost shaking the bed as Zayn groaned, pressing his face into the warm pillow.

“What’s happening?” Liam asked as he pulled away, a confused expression etched into his face.

“Mezi never gets out of bed without me,” Zayn explained, sitting up so he could kiss Liam’s lips quickly, extracting himself from under the man’s warm presence. “This is his way of telling me he’s awake so I can come and get him.”

Walking to his dresser, Zayn pulled on a pair of clean joggers, throwing a similar pair in Liam’s direction.

“I’m sorry about this,” he started, feeling guilty as he could visibly see Liam’s erection straining in his boxers but Liam interrupted him quickly, slipping into the offered joggers as he stood.

“Nothing to be sorry about babe,” said Liam as he smoothed his hand down Zayn’s jaw, fingers getting caught in the day old stubble. “Your son comes first, always.”

Nodding, Zayn leaned forward, showing Liam how grateful he was for his understanding in a short yet heated kiss.

“Go,” Liam exhaled when they pulled apart, looking sinfully needy.

It was practically painful for Zayn to peal himself away from Liam, walking hurriedly across the hallway and into Mezi’s room, smiling brightly at his son. He turned the music off as he went, hearing Liam walk past the boy’s bedroom at the same time.

All the while, Mezrhad sat patiently in his bed, blankets still wrapped around himself, clutching his plush money tightly. The boy had managed to slip on his glasses by himself, traces of sleep still marking his skin as he clapped his hands together as Zayn approached him.

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