Chapter 4

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I awoke and remembered my decision that I made late last night. I sat up and stretched with a great, big yawn. I slowly climbed out of bed. I peeked at the clock and saw that it was only six-thirty in the morning. I got dressed and headed off to Emily’s. Upon arriving I found that the boys hadn’t made it there yet. I walked in to see Emily in the kitchen - as always - making food.  It was now seven in the morning and I had taken half an hour to get ready and to Emily’s house.

“Hey Em.” I said coming into the kitchen and giving a small wave to her. She waved back and went back to cooking. I sat down at the table and waited for the two idiots and Sam to arrive.  When they finally did walk through the door, Sam and Paul from patrol and Jared from his house, I had been bored out of my mind for half an hour.  

“Finally! You guys take forever to get here in the mornings.” I told them. They sat down and I decided to tell them my decision. “I have decided to drop out of school.”

They all snapped their attention to me once the words came out of my mouth. “What do you mean you’re gonna drop out of school?”

“I mean that I am going to tell the school that I am not going to be attending anymore.” I stated like they were dumb.

“We heard you the first time but why would you want to drop from school… I mean I would but your a smart kid.” Paul said.

“I know but I just can’t stand having to go to school with Jacob any more. I can’t handle it… I feel like I’m betraying him by leaving him like that. Out of nowhere too!” I started getting frustrated and raising my voice slightly with each word I said near the end.

“Woah, Calm down Lex, if you don’t want to go then do it, drop out.” Jared said. I gave a shaky sigh and a miniscule smile. I had tears in my eyes that i hope nobody else saw there. I looked down and blinked them back,

then I finally looked back up at them.

“I guess Jared is right there is no sense in you being emotion sensitive and phasing on us all the time because of this. Go ahead.” Sam, Paul nodding along behind him.

“Thanks guys, sorry I raised my voice on you guys. I’m going to head to school now.” I waved and headed out the door to my car. Driving down the street I found myself looking into the woods.  I loved the woods so much. I would always go in there to draw but i had never thought it was as dangerous is i know it is now.

I broke out of my thoughts as I turned into the parking lot at school. I parked and stepped out grabbing my bag as I did. I felt eyes on me as I stood there at my car and looked up to find Jacob and Embry looking at me. Quil was still getting out of the car. I made eye contact and quickly looked away. My feet started to move towards the school building I felt a tear threaten to leak out. Moving faster, I made it to the main office with myself finally collected.

“Umm… I need to have an emergency meeting with the council, Mrs. Welsh.” She gave me a friendly smile and nodded. Her fingers flew across the keyboard and a couple minutes later she looked back at me.

“Okay dear, just go right through that door and they will join you in ten minutes when they all arrive.” I nodded and headed to the familiar room. I sat in the seat in which I had many times before. The memory from the first time I had been sitting in this room was fresh in my mind. It had been two years ago when they decided that I was smart enough to graduate and the same year that I had started college. I had started online then so i wouldn’t be picked on for being so young. Now I really didn’t care as much anymore considering the circumstances. I mean would I like to look normal… like a normal teenager. But with my brain capacity I am literally a child genius, there isn’t much I could do anymore to be normal. Who likes normal though? Being different makes you special.

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