Chapter 1

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Does anyone ever really believe anything until it actually happens? Does anything in life ever go exactly as planned? Ever feel like everything around you has a certain balance and that you are just there to fit in as a bystander? A witness to the drama of others?

My life exactly. I’m not the type to interact with people. I could easily fit in with everyone but i just like being alone i make friends for life, not just til we graduate or until they move. Being alone is what i like. No trusting someone who’s just going to let you down.

My life has always been really quiet. Never exciting. I am a very good student. I’m a major nerd. Top in all my classes, but i make sure my teachers never praise me in public. I hate being stared at; i don't like attention at all but do like being substantially smarter than everyone i meet, even teachers. I help them with lesson plans. Everything we study in class, is monitored by me at the beginning of the year. Well for my grade anyway, i am always doing college work secretly while everyone else is doing pre-planned work.

I technically don't need to go to school anymore but i do any way to help the district and to not stick out in the public’s eye. I technically go to Stanford University, from the comforts of my school. I live on the reservation in La Push, Washington. I am apparently the most self driven Quileute on the reservation in a century, according to the elders anyway.

Right now i am in biology doing my work. I was writing an essay on my laptop in the back of class. My lab partner was being idiotic and couldn’t figure out how to do the assignment. His name was Quil Atera  he is friends with Jacob Black, he despises the uley cult and whatnot. Me being the genius i am happen to now they are not on drugs for the fact that they would have funny behavior do to the drugs. Now i do admit that they do have weird behavior but not drug weird behavior.

I am very happy they haven’t gotten to my baby cousin Jacob. He was only four months younger than me but he was still my baby cousin. In fact speaking of Jacob he sat two rows ahead of me on the opposite side of the table; he sat in the aisle seat. I sat in the very far left corner of the room by the window. I got assigned that spot to let me get my work done and without distractions other than the usual complaints from Quil about how he couldn’t figure out his work. On a regular basis i would turn in some sort of advanced assignment as to not look suspicious but i always finished in five minutes.

Today he was somehow whining more than usual. I finally had enough and snapped. “Shut up! Would you!?” I hissed quietly at him. “You just have to identify the types of bacteria on the worksheet.” I had chosen this as a simple practice before they had a test on the subject in two weeks. It was very irritable how much he whined about it and lately i had been getting very easily annoyed. When the bell finally rang i put away my things and started picking up the worksheets seeing as it was my turn to grade the papers for this class. I then drove to Billy’s house.

Pulling up to the house i turned off the car, grabbed my backpack and walked into the house. My Uncle Billy and i were so close that i didn’t even need to knock. I actually had a key to the house.

“Honey, I’m home!” I called, getting a chuckle in response. I wandered into the living room to be greeted by the familiar sight of my uncle billy.

I sat down and got to work like usual while Jacob was out with his friends. I graded all of the worksheets from today. Surprisingly enough Quil had actually only missed four out of the thirty questions. Jacob and Embry both missed three. I seriously need to tutor them soon. Finally after thirty minutes i finished grading all the papers and put them back into my portable file folder, then put that in my backpack before Jake could find it. None of them new i graded their papers, nobody knew and they were no exception.

I walked outside to the shed where the dufuses were. Walking up to the already open door i knocked on it, whilst sticking my head into the room. “Hey Jake, you ready for help with all your homework in general?”

He looked up from The Rabbit, his truck. “Yeah, once second let me finish this really quick.” Embry and Quil looked as well when i talked. Quil started getting that look on his face like he was about to complain again.

“Atera don’t you dare complain if you want some help you can join us, but don’t complain i get enough of that in class.” I said with a little bitterness in my voice, before softening it out,” You can join us too, if you want Embry. The more people that get my help the more that will actually pass biology this year.” I joked at the end.

“Hey! I was not about to complain and we are not stupid!” Quil complained.

“Oh, yeah? Well look at what you’re doing right now, plus i’ve seen you scores they’re good but not that best.” I countered with a playful smirk.

“Jerk!” He yelled while Jake and Embry burst out laughing.

“Thank you! Thank you! I do try my hardest.” I grinned.

I turned toward the house with them following me. Sitting down on the couch, i pulled out a copy of their math homework. I didn’t really need to do the homework but i had a copy anyway. They followed my lead and pulled out their work.

“Okay, start and when you come to a problem you’re having trouble with just tell me.”

We worked for a couple minutes silently until the idiot next to me huffed in frustration. I looked over at his paper to see he was on the fourth problem out of five. I didn’t bother to see if the others were right, i just checked to see what he was doing so far.

“Okay i need help on this,” Embry said with a sigh of defeat.

“Well, hmm, okay the problem is: What is the measure of the solid angle depicted by the following figure? This is the 180 degree mark. The sum of the angles, formed by the perpendicular rays is 360 degrees, thus the curved arrow represents an angle measure that is equal to the difference of 360 degrees and 90 degrees, or 270 degrees.” I explained.

I looked up to be greeted by dumbfound looks from all of them. “Alexandra Coda Grey, english please!” My all too sweet baby cousin whined.

“Sorry,”I sighed amused,” this angle right here is 90 degrees, this is the 180 degree mark. Now this curved arrow stands for 360 degrees. 360 degrees minus the degrees of the angle, 90, is…” i trailed off giving them the chance to work out the problem. They oohed and went back to work.

Ten minutes later they were all done and it was time to commence the revision process. “What did you guys get for problem one.”

The answers came as A,D, and E, one of them got it right and only one. That was surprisingly Quil that got that right. “Okay, here’s a way of making that question less complicated. What letter is where the angle folds?” Jacob and Embry changed their answers and finally had it correct.

“Yeah! I actually had that right !” Quil boasted.

We went through the rest of the answers and by the end the person with the most right answers was Embry. They went back to the outside and i quickly finished off my quadratic equations and went outside to help with The Rabbit. I walked in just as they were putting a piece in. “Hey, you do realize that you’re putting that in backwards? And that it’s the wrong size?”

They looked at the piece than their eyes went wide with recognition. They pulled the piece out at stared astonished at me. “How did you see that from the other side of the room,” Jacob choked out.

I shrugged,” It’s a gift. I’ve always been able to notice small details. I’m very observant. Now why don’t I help you out before you mess up again?”

With that said I helped until late at night when i had to get home. I waved them goodbye and hopped into my car. I drove for five minutes down the road to my house. I walked straight up the stairs to my room. I changed into my pajamas and laid down on my bed.

I laid there thinking about what made me snap at Quil earlier. I had never burst out on someone like that. Something but i don’t know what was making me snappier than usual. With that thought at mind i fell asleep.

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