a/n and disclaimer

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author's note / disclaimer.

hello! this is my first ever upload onto wattpad. I usually use AO3 (I'm cloudsarefluffy there), but I've decided to venture a little past my usual watering hole. I have a couple of stories I wanted to share on this site and see how they do past the archive. if something isn't done right or is messed up, I can guarantee you that is my fault. I'm learning this as I go.

I beta'd what I could notice from a quick overview, but I know I missed several errors. I always do. so apologies if you see one of my typos. words are hard.

those things aside, I would just like to make a few important notes before you begin reading. since wattpad seems pretty selective and small with its window to tag a story before you read it, I just wanted to explain that this story has mature content. 

no explicit slash occurs, but violence and detailed descriptions of things that may not be your cup of tea. I mostly mean this as "you may be grossed out or bothered by how I word things," so please read with personal caution. 

the only possible trigger I can think this story has is a part that involves needles at the end, otherwise, this fic is tame in terms of traumatic items.  if you're used to the gore and depictions of the Witcher series, more specifically the Netflix adaptation, then this will be canon-typical for you.

the final disclaimer I want to make is that this fic contains art that I have drawn (hence the tag in the images). yes, I make and upload my own fan art. I've been able to draw outside of my writing escapades, but it only brilliantly dawned on me now to try and combine both. there's a couple of pieces done for this story, but I have something important but easy to ask.

please, do NOT repost my writing OR my art.

unfortunately, I have dealt with a writing theft before this, and I certainly would prefer my art to stay my own and where I wish it to be. so I do not consent to anyone reuploading my works anywhere, even with credits. 

if you have questions, you can message me about things. the best place to contact me would most likely be my tumblr: sunshinexlollipops.

thank you, and enjoy.

- cfl

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